Chapter-6 The Trail of Culprit

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The diary left me confused and i couldn't understand a thing that why was that diary even in my belongings? I couldn't remember a single thing from what was written in it. Everything is just like it never happened it wasn't even my childhood. "Knock knock" Yaksha are you in there?. I open the door and it was Marie at the gate as i looked she looked me with those watery eyes and hugged me and started crying. "What is she doing? A minute she was the one who was shocked to see me comeback home as if she was the one who complained against me" what are you doing i asked. She said i was worried for you. I didn't know how to react when you returned i was just not in my senses please forgive me i should have been a little considerate of your situation too. It must be hard for you to handle everything alone while being away from your parents.

I didn't understand her behaviour but she was the first girl who ever talked to me nicely and made me feel heard and understood. I couldn't think much and picked up my hands and hugged her back even tighter and started to weep. A man is soft to his core when he gets a safe place to open up. I cried for a while and she made me comfortable we sat down she gave me water and after i stopped crying she left and said if you need some help just come to my room. I really feel better now and she definitely is not the one who complained about me, but now who? There's no one else left to doubt. Aunt Karina would never do something like this i can't even think of any other name. I feel so stuck here, like i'm in my underwear but i can't find the holes to put my legs through.

This situation is really fucked up if i don't find who did that to me then i cannot call myself a man. I can't just let that bastard go off by doing nothing and waiting for them to make a move again. But for now giving a break from all of this will be a better idea. I will go outside buy myself some donuts and clear my head. As i walk out of the door i notice the same place where i found that earring so i decide to look a little more in hope of finding another clue for the culprit. In there, through the bushes i find nothing just few ants who died as if someone stepped on them. Leaving the ants i went to the market to buy those do-nuts and as i walk into the shop there's this old man sleeping at the door of the shop on the chair, by the looks of him he must be the guard.

Excuse me is this shop open? I asked. Huh? I don't want to participate in that shitty ritual leave me alo.....
Oh yes the shop is open please you may enter. The old man looked a little crazy snoozing off on his shift he must be tired of his age. I go into the shop and buy 3 Nutella glazed chocolate donuts they've been my favourite for ever since i can remember. "Remember" i see i do remember what things i like from past days i really love the taste of this donut i don't know why i just do. While leaving the shop i went by from the old guard in his sleep he was still snoozing but kept saying leave me out of this shitty ritual.

What ritual are they talking about? Well there must be something in his life maybe he is religious. Who am i to judge i should just go back home and eat my donuts. When i returned home, i saw the place from where i picked up the earrings previously so i decided to check it out. There was nothing just clear floor behind the bushes. I came back up in my room and started eating my donuts while checking my emails. Oh shit that big project i still have 3 more days before the deadline. I really need to leave this investigation stuff and work back on my agency. So much happened in such a short time that i couldn't even think of a model to have completed the photoshoot. That reminds me i asked Marie with help i should probably be more clear with her and she looked in a good mood today i will just go ask her nicely.

I went to Marie's room and knocked three times. She opened and there was this look again the disgusting look she had when she saw me lying on the floor. But she immediately changed her expressions and asked me to come in and sit with her on her bed. So i was wondering if you could help me with something. "You need my help?" She asked. Yes i'm working on a project and i need a good looking model for that but i'm short on time i have deadline on my head and i so much has happened i can't think of any other person to go to for help. Alright what's in there for me if i agree for helping you? What's in there for you? I guess i can pay 10k if you agree to work for me. Alright we've got a deal (that was the most smooth deal i've ever made, something feels fishy here i just can't put my finger on it)

The following evening i made up a plan for the photoshoot and set everything up in the backyard and now i'll wait for morning to come and my work will be done. Everything smooth once again. I was probably giving too much thought to the things happening around me, once i complete everything for this project i will definitely find that bastard who did this to me. In just that moment i see Marie leaving out with a guy in violet dress. She just looks so hot and i'm jealous of the guy's she date, "well, whatever, she just dates for her own advantage maybe she's dating this one for gifts and expensive dates. That's the kind of girl she is.

But today when she comforted me while crying it really felt like she cared for me and that she didn't wanted to see me hurt. Man i've never felt this way before i hope she comes to my room again and we have a nice chat. I wonder if that'll happen until then i should just go down look for something to help Aunt Karina with some chores. "No it won't happen again you don't have to worry just keep your shit together i will see what i can do". What is she talking about and who's on the other side of the call. "Yes the program worked correctly there was no problem in the chip". What chip are they talking about? Hey Aunt Karina who are you talking to? "Huh? I'll call you call you back" hi sweetie come here. She again hugs me tightly between those huge boobs and the smell of lavender, it's so mesmerising i feel like i'm loosing control over my body sometimes. I don't understand why she still has to stay single after her toxic husband left her alone and never came back. She's just beautiful and even for a guy like my age i wouldn't mind marrying her not when she has that type of figure on her, talks nicely, cooks delicious what more does a man want?

Oh i think i zoned out for a moment while thinking about her. After she hugs me i always feel so calm like i don't even remember a thing that happened. "So how's your investigation going on with the that culprit? Did you find some clue?" She asked. Nothing yet apart from that earring i cannot grasp who could have done something like this to me. Just let me know if you need help with something i don't wanna see you in stress so if anything calms you down i would do it for my Yaksha. "Anything you say" yes anything she replied. I was thinking about holding those huge perfectly shaped milkers while i grab her ass and squeeze it. That would have really relieved me off of all my stress. But i can't just tell her this straight up. "I'm not sure i just like it here with you when you're around my body feels calm and i feel better" i said. If the situation is catching up to you and you can't sleep just come to my room i'll help try to calm you down so you won't have to be worried about nightmares (that's awesome i'm finally getting somewhere with the spicy part of my life).

After dinner i'm just there waiting if she'll ask me again to follow her to the bedroom. It's my first time i am kinda nervous. "Don't think about it much you're just like my son" maybe she'll say this. I hear a matchstick being lighten up and the smell of lavender coming from her room. "Do you want mommy to pick you up and take you to the bed?" i blushed like a small child and was about to say "yes mommy". "I'm just kidding she said before i could open my mouth. Marie was not at home it only the two of us. My favourite fragrance same as Aunt Karina's. I can't wait to experience this night.

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