Chapter 4 : Sleepy Meka Hunt

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The click clacking of my boots echoed through the now empty streets of Fontaine,  I have been through the streats all week to stakeout for possible information.
I crouch behind some bushes and waited,   maybe I can get some information tonight.
Sadly things you hope for sometimes don't come on a silver platter,  and this was one of those cases.   All night long I got no clues of any sort,  even after rotating locations.
The sun began to rise in the distance,  alerting me that my venture was fruitless ending in me being tired.   There is no way I'll have time to get sleep in,  I still have so much to investigate.

"Ms. L/n?  You don't look too good."
"Neuvillette?"  I let out a big yawn,  completely excluding all forms of etiquette in my tired state.   "Here come with me."
We began a peaceful walk toward the Palais Mermonia.    "What happened this past week to make you so ill?"
I have a chuckle before responding,  thinking back to my pitiful findings.
"I've been patrolling the city for possible hint on the Mekas all week,  but nothing has come up."   He opened the door to his office and sat me down on the very comfortable couch.   "Mademoiselle,  there is no need to push so hard right now.   I'm sure something will come up soon,  for now get some rest."
I nod and lay down,  who am I to deny an offer of sleep after staying awake majority of the week?

"Monsieur Neuvillette,  we've got a sighting of a sunken Mech reported by a Melusine."
"Thank you Sedene,  have some Gardes investigate the area.   On your way out could you please bring some tea?  The Duke of Meropide will be arriving soon."
"Of course,  I'll get right on it."
"Oh and bring something for Ms. L/n to eat."
"Will do."

"She sleeps like a log."
"Back on topic please Wriothelsey."
"Right right.   Some Meropide prisoner have been getting restless,  I have a feeling they're behind some of the missing Mekas in the Fortress."
"Do you think both incidents are connected?"

I shot up and gasped.
My head started throbbing from lack of sleep,  shouting made it worse.   "Uuugh."
"So sleeping beauty awakes."
I looked over and saw Neuvillette sitting next to a black haired buff guy on the couch a ways across from me.   I got up and walked over to them,  sitting on the other side of Neuvillette who handed me jam and toast.   With a cup of tea of course.
"What time is it?"
"Early evening.   Hello Ms. La Belle au bois dormant."     "Wriothesley,  please don't.  Ms. L/n this is Wriothesley,  The Duke of Fortress Meropide.   Or the warden in other words."
"Oh ok.  Good evening Monsieur Wriothesley,  I'm Y/n L/n,  Jr. Detective partnering with the Spina Di Rosula."
We shook hands,  smiling at a splendid introduction.

"I vaguely heard Sedene earlier about more Mekas.  Well while I was snoozing the day away I came up with an idea that very well could boost this investigation.  For both us and Meropide."   They both waited patiently as I took a few bites of yummy food and a sip of tea.    "I have connections to The House of the Hearth,  more specifically Lyney Lynette and Ferminet.    I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping out.  Ferminet is a great diver and inventor of small automation creatures,   he could be of great assistance."   They looked at each other,  pleasantly surprised.   "Do what you can then,  rest up first.   You look absolutely drained.   I'll head back to the fortress then,  pleasure have a tea and chat."
Wriothesley bowed and bid goodbye.

"He's a cool guy."   I joked while taking another sip.   "Are you... Interested in Wriothesley?"   His question lit a signal in my mind,   Jealousy?   Why would he be Jealous?   "He'd be like that cool brother figure,  not necessarily my type.   I more prefer a strong sense of elegance,   kinda like my dad.   He had a strong sense of justice and became a detective because of it,  not to mention his love for his wife.   He learned etiquette to impress her,   leading him to be a delicate and graceful man."
My smile faded at the memories that flashed through my mind.

".... You remind me of him,  in a good way."

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