🥀Can you feel me longing for you forever?🥀

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Rain x reader


nobody's POV

you'd moved away to the states for a new job years ago, promising rain you'd stay in touch. you promised, and you kept your promise. you and rain texted and called and facetimed at all hours, whether you were talking, sleeping or just looking at eachother in silence, missing each others touch, you stayed in contact. until your beg was stolen. you were in chicago, riding the el to your work when you heard running footsteps pounding at the ground and before you knew it your bag was snatched out of your hand and gone, along with all your money, identification and insurance card. none of that mattered though, you had your phone in there. you'd just lost all communication to rain. you realized you didn't actually ever get his number, he'd just punched it into your phone and you set up his contact. you had no way to reach him; you sent letters upon letters, often sending a hoodie or even a pair of panties if you were feeling scandalous. with everything you sent you never got a response or even a letter saying he'd moved or even passed away. that was a year ago. it had been too long since you'd talked to rain, seen his face and heard his voice, and even longer since you'd touched him. inhaled his scent. kissed those delicious, perfect pretty lips of his. you'd been working in america a long time but it just wasn't home. you put in your 2 weeks notice and finally you collected your last check and used it to buy plane tickets and $250 worth of gifts for your beloved, set to deliver to the hotel you'd stay in while you set up rain's surprise. you hoped to dear satan below that he'd be excited to see you... that he'd still care. you finally made it back to italy and began to get everything ready. you snuck to rains window on the 5th floor balcony and silently slipped a note telling him to meet you at the park tomorrow at noon through his window. you scurried down the stairs and back to your car and went to the hotel room. everything was perfect, now you just needed a disguise. you'd cut and dyed your hair since you'd last facetimed or sent him a picture and you wore different clothes then you usually would. sort of lighter clothes, clothes that seemed average.

you waited and of course, your perfect, curious little rain arrived. not seeing who he was supposed to meet up with. you called his name in a disguised voice, your back turned to him.

"you slipped a letter through my window, how did you know it was my window?"

he asked suspiciously, his tone sad. you took a deep breath and turned around, tearing ik at the sight of his pretty face. although your clothes and hair were different your love could see that if was yiu, he teared up, completely in shock, stuttering and stumbling over his words in the cutest little way before ehe dove in to hug you tight, squeezing you in his arms.

"oh my love you're- you're back! oh my love how did you get back?"

his voice was filled with awe but his expression changed into one of hurt.

"y/n you completely ghosted me and now you're just... back..? what happened?"

his voice as soft. sad. you hugged him closer, nestling deep into him as you explained yourself.

"oh my darling raindrop oh my love... you don't- i- im memorizing your phone number from now on i swear to satan"

i weeped into him.

"my phone was stolen and i never saw who took it... i never actually got your number and shit, i guess what's the issue with cells... fuck raindrop i missed you so..."

"oh i miss you too my love"

you both weeped gently in each others arms, holding eachother with no intention to ever let go. it didn't matter how many people watched or whispered, you weren't letting him go. your embrace was tight and you fit together like a puzzle. he wrapped his arms around you and didnt let go for a moment. the feeling of being in your arms again felt so nice and he felt like his whole world had started to come back into place. he finally felt safe and secure again. he was filled with happiness and love and right now nothing else mattered to him but you.

"i moved back my love im staying ok? im staying"

he pulled away from you slightly to look into your eyes. you were right here in front of him and it made him so happy. he wanted to be here with you forever and no one or nothing would stop him from spending every second of his life by your side.

"you're moving back? you're here to stay?"

you nodded and nestled into him, never daring to let go again. he was your raindrop and nothing could change that. he wrapped his arms back around you and he started tearing up again. everything was finally coming back to how it used to be. the feeling of having you by his side filled him with a warmth he hadnt felt in a long time. he was still so ecstatic that he was holding you again. he felt like you were the only person in the world who truly loved him and cared for him.

he pressed his forehead to yours and he rubbed his thumb gently against your cheek. he didnt want to let go of you because he was so scared of losing you again.

"i thought we were done. i thought i had lost you. do you know how much i cried? how many times did i think of you? how much i wished i could go back and beg for you? how many times did i ask myself 'where is he? is he alright? does he even want me anymore?'"

"i know my love im so sorry i- i tried to send letters but i never got a reply so i figured they'd been getting lost or- or"

you were overcome by guilt, holding him tightly.

"im so so sorry my sweet raindrop... im never leaving again i swear"

he smiled and wiped away his tears. the thought that you tried sending him letters really hit him in the heart. he felt guilty for not receiving them and to think that you tried to reach out and he never got any of them. his heart broke and he squeezed you tighter.

"d-did you really try to send me letters? i-i never got any of them...i-i was wondering why you never reached out. i dont want to ever be apart from you again...never...ever..."


you whispered, hugging him tight.



i'm so sorry i literally do not know how to finish shit 😭

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