🔞fiore mio🔞

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"oh cardinale~"

your voice rang out, echoing against the walls of your room. you felt your lover deep inside you, his cock twitching in delight as you sang for him.

"my darling mockingbird, you sing like the archangels you came from"

he whispered hoarsely into your ear as he slowly, lovingly fucked you deep and hard. he poured every ounce of love into your little sessions and you loved it. every last bit of it.

your hands snaked up his soft belly and you raked your fingers through the thin and sparse hair on his pretty chest and you let your hands fan outward, your thumbs brushing gently against his already pert nipples, making his cock kick inside you. now you were making him sing for you.

"Cazzo, amore mio più caro..."

he groaned deliciously and leaned down and kissed you, the kiss so sweet and soft it was almost chaste. his hand snaked down to your aching, needy clit and rubbed teasing, agonizingly slow circles over it. you moaned and arched your back then bucked your hips, rocking them in a not-so-subtle way as your beloved cardinal brought you closer and closer to your much needed release.

with a soft, smooth moan you came hard around him, your sweet juices coating his aching shaft as your already taut walls clenched around him. he leaned down to kiss you lovingly and somewhat roughly, his tongue licking into your mouth as he drank up every delicious, thick, honey-like moan that his thrusts pulled from your throat.

"copia, ah~!"

you let out a breathy, whispery moan as he kissed you deep, just the way you loved. he licked into your mouth and you savored his taste, running your hands up and down his back and running your thumbs over his nipples every once in a while just to tease.

"cazzo amore, im close"

he breathed against your neck between kisses and nips and gentle bites, once again bringing you lose, the pleasure tenfold.

"me t-"

you were interrupted by your own moan as he gave you a strong, hard and deep thrust, all 8 inches deep inside you, punching the air from your lungs and making you see stars. you thought the pure ecstasy you felt was the most pleasure you could possibly experience but when his sharp canines pricked at your skin and his hand began its attack on your clit you cried out in both pleasure and pain and grasped at his waist and torso for some kind of leverage as you came hard.

you clenched tightly around his thick length once more as you moaned, gripping to him tight because of the pure euphoria you were experiencing. just as you began to come down from your high you felt yourself being flooded with his hot, warm seed. you let out a soft whimper as he rode out his orgasm, the overstimulation causing an unpleasant but familiar discomfort.

"you ok?"

he asked softly after you winced in discomfort at him pulling out. you nodded and he leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, savoring your scent. you smelled faintly of sex, coffee and nag champa and he adored it, hugging you and burying his face in your neck and stealing your clothes as often as possible. i guess that's the perks of having a you-sized boyfriend, he looks adorable in your clothes and you look adorable in his.

you pressed a soft kiss to the tip of his perfect nose and tapped his waist, signaling him to get up so you could use the restroom and clean yourself up. he got up with you and ran a bath and poured your favorite milk bath inside, making the water milky and smooth. he made sure the water was warm enough and he helped you in. he sat down behind you and gently washed your hair. you relished in the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp and you let any worries and soreness drift from your mind.

"you did so well mi fiore~ you're such a good pet for me"

he whispered softly and his hair snaked down your stomach.

"do you have another in you amore mio?"

"mm... sleepy..."

you murmured and he nodded and pursued his face into your neck, deeply inhaling your comforting and familiar scent. he rinsed your hair and wrapped his arms around you and let you fall asleep, periodically running more hot water to keep it warm so you could sleep.

eventually he fell asleep too, the warm, milky water still around the two sleeping lovers, ensuring a soothing and relaxing nap, much deserved after the sweat, cum and love filled evening of ecstasy and passion.


i'm so sorry it's short my motivation is currently going bonk

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