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- 𝕆ℕ𝔼 -

𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕪


• wooyoung •

"you're such a girly boy, woo."

i looked up from my hands, smiling at my best friend as he walked into my bedroom.

"thanks sangie, means a lot coming from you..."

"what the fuck is on you're faces?" yeosang mumbled once he got a good look at us. hongjoong snickered from behind me as he placed another butterfly clip in my hair.

"read the box." i shrugged and motioned towards the bed. yeosang rolled his eyes and sat down on my bed, grabbing the box and container that sat there and read it. i looked back down, focusing once more on steadily and neatly painting my nails a pretty baby blue color.

"wait, wait, wait. you guys are doing face masks, each other's hair- and painting you're nails... without me?"

hongjoong and i turned around to look at yeosang, a smile tugged it's way across my lips. the short boy behind me stammered, "well... i mean- no it's just that you weren't here."

i pushed up my slowly slipping glasses (which were more for accessory than function) with my wrist, listening to hongjoong struggle as he spoke, "you were at work. we would've waited it's just- well to be fair, i only did a face mask and wooyoung put my hair into a pony tail. and it wasn't just me! yunho was doing it to but he's in the bathroom texting some guy, so..."

and that's where he cut off. i rolled my eyes and stood up from my chair. i plopped myself next to yeosang and grabbed his face, careful not to mess up my nails, "listen yeo yeo- you took too long and i'm sorry, but i'm impatient and i didn't wanna wait anymore. but it's fineeee, we haven't started the movie yet.

"and we can still do a face mask and paint you're nails and mess around with you're hair. i promise."

he stayed silent for a bit, then yanked his head out of my hands and ran his fingers through his thick blonde locks, "fine."

"yay! we got em' joongie!" i cheered in an awfully loud and high pitched voice they knew all too well, getting up and grabbing yeosang by the hands and bringing him over to the seat i was previously in.

"this is gonna be so fucking fun you guys! even more fun then when i fucked your mom last night."

yeosang rolled his eyes and hongjoong hid his smile, "wooyoung seriously? you had to add that? i thought we got past all of that when we got to college."

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