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• wooyoung •

hes just a friend, he's just a friend, he's just a friend, he's just a frien-

actually, fuck no he isn't.

friends don't have sex with each other every chance they get. friends don't crave one another for their shared intense kinks and turn-on's.

a friend doesn't try to convince themselves their not starting to fall for the other because all they are are fuck buddies. or more so friends with benefits? two people who fuck each other and talk every now and then?

whatever they are- whatever we are, it was made clear it was no strings attached, no feelings relationship.

and i was fine with that.

i am fine with that.

i've had many of relationships like this, though short lived. and i've never- not once, have had this issue. but san makes it so fucking hard to not want to get closer to him, to really get to know him.

to want to kiss him just to kiss him, in a way that won't always lead to sex- which don't get me wrong, i don't mind the sex- not at all. i won't even sugarcoat it- san is the best i've ever been with.

both in bed and out... i just kinda like the thought of getting to give san both types of kisses.

and that's the problem.

i shouldn't think like this but when he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up and spinning me around with the brightness smile on his face over the fact that we had won the dance competition i couldn't help it.

though i haven't seen it often- i loved that smile. so i smiled back at him, wrapping my arms around his neck to steady myself, giggling and laughing at his childlike behavior.

"we did it woo! we won!" he cheered, holding me closer after setting me down. i noticed that the class was almost empty now aside from a few stray students.

"i know, can you believe it?!" i bit my lip, locking eyes with him.

"honestly? seeing the way you dance i'm not too shocked princess, you're a natural prodigy." i felt my cheeks flush at his words so i looked anywhere but his face.

see? he makes it so hard...

"pft- yeah righh, we won because of you sannie not me~" i continuously poked my finger at his chest, halting my movements once i realized he was staring at me. i looked up slowly, taking in his reddened skin, parted lips and shining eyes.

nervously i pulled my finger back with a pout,



• san •

shit. fuck. dammit-

what the actual fuck just happened?

i stared down at wooyoung, feeling my chest tighten at the sight of him, at his voice and the words that left his pink lips.

it was nothing special, perhaps maybe the tone in which he said my name- or the way the light shined on his eyelashes. maybe it was his small finger poking and prodding at my chest that did it.

or maybe it was wooyoung just being undoubtedly himself.

but whatever it was it sent me into a frenzy. how could such a little action do so much to me? how can wooyoung do so much to me?

i could practically hear my heart beating out of my chest, the warmth that spread through me seeping out onto my cheeks, staining them red.

"s-sannie?" he whispered out, louder than how he previously spoke. his eyes clouded with confusion, he looked so innocent.

so pure.

i needed to make this feeling go away, yet i wanted to be near him, badly.

so i did the only thing i thought i could.

"wooyoung...." i paused, and he locked eyes with me, waiting for me to continue. ignoring the fading blush on my face and the look in his eyes i licked my lips softly, squeezing at his hips before pulling way from him.

"meet me in the locker rooms after your next class. don't keep me waiting." and before he could respond i turned around and left the class.



hi this was really short sorry

sorry it was so shit

k bye-

~ lix ~



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