Chapter 5

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*Chapter 5


The time had finally come to tell her the truth. I was finally going to tell her about my mate. I just hoped she understood my reasons for not telling her before now. I needed to show her that you could truly love someone who was not your true mate. That what she was feeling now would not last forever. I loved her, and honestly, I loved her more than I ever loved my mate.

Not all mates end up together, and that's why they say that every wolf has a second chance, mate. Alli was that to me. She just met us in the wrong order. She met me before she got the opportunity to meet Matthew. I grabbed her hands and let out the breath that I was holding.

"I've already met my mate," I confessed.

"What?! When? Where?" Alli rapidly shot out.

"One question at a time, babe," I said.

"I met her when I was away at school. It was six months before I came back home," I explained.

"What happened?" she asked, looking sad.

"She was human, and she didn't understand what I was. I scared her. To her, I was unnatural. She said that I should not exist. I was an abomination to her, and she wanted nothing to do with an animal like me. It took me a while to get over the hurt. I felt I didn't know how I would keep on living because it hurt so badly. I was in the worst way when I got home. But there you were, my childhood friend, so loving and supportive.

The goddess gave us both a second chance with each other, and we both know that. I don't plan to waste one second of my time with you.

"I know you love me just as much as I love you, and in the end, that's all that matters."

Two months later...


Tonight was the night I was going to ask Alli to marry me. I knew from previous talks that she had always dreamed of a human wedding. So I slipped away last week and bought her a ring I knew she would love.

"Let me see the ring," Macy pleaded, jumping up and down.

I took the box out of my pocket and opened it for her to see.

"It's beautiful, Nick, this is so her. I can't believe this is happening; I don't know who's more excited.

"I'm glad she has you, Nick; without you, she would have fallen apart months ago. You guys are perfect together," She gushed.

"I have to admit; I'm nervous. What if Alli says no." I frowned, knowing it was a possibility.

"Why would she say no?" She shot back reassuringly.

"Maybe she's not ready to make such a huge commitment, and maybe she is still hoping to be with Matthew one day." I blurted out, feeling unsure.

"You're worrying for nothing, Nick. She would be crazy to say no." She said, handing me back the ring.

"I hope you're right, Macy," I replied, praying to the higher powers to make it so.

"I am; you will see." She said, reassuring me.

"I better start getting everything ready?" Macy said, leaving me with my thoughts.

"Where are we going," Alli whined impatiently.

"I'm taking you out on the boat for a romantic dinner," I said, leading her to the docked boat. I helped her on and directed her to the beautifully set table. Macy had outdone herself; everything looked perfect.

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