Chapter 9

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*Chapter 9*


I sat on the bed, lost in thought; so much had happened these last few weeks. Matthew's rejection had been the most painful moment of my life. I knew it had been equally painful for him, and my heart ached, guilt striking me. I hated that I still felt anything for him. Knowing that I had the best man ever made my heart heavy, and Matthew continued to plague my thoughts.

Nick was everything I could ever want. He was so loving and attentive that he didn't leave my side the first two nights. Holding me and helping to soothe the pain I was feeling from the rejection. I closed my eyes, the pain of thinking of that day hitting me hard. Why did things have to be so unfair? Why couldn't I forget him and love who I wanted to love?

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about how much I loved Nick. He was my safe place, my rock, my everything, and despite all this, I knew I continued to hurt him. It hurt that he always thought of me first and never considered how I knew it would hurt him.

"Why the sad face, baby," Nick said, appearing at the door.

"Why do you love me so much?" I asked in almost a whisper.

Nick crossed the room and knelt at my feet, gently taking my hands in his.

"I don't deserve you, Nick," I said, tears running down my face.

"Stop," he said, pulling me into his arms.

"All I do is hurt you," I said in between sobs.

"Baby," he said, wiping the tears from my face and lifting my face to his.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Alli, and I don't regret one second of our time together, and I never will. When I said forever, I meant it. I will love you until my last breath, sweetheart. No matter what may come, we will get through it together. You are my chosen mate, the one my heart yearns for, the one my body aches for," he said, tilting my head, his teeth piercing my neck and marking me.

He laid me down slowly, undressing me painfully slow, a smirk on his face because he knew how he was affecting me. My heart was thumping hard, anticipating what was coming next.

"You are mine now, Alli. Let me show you who you belong to," he said, his body covering mine.

My eyes closed in pure bliss, and I let him claim me like he had been dying to do.


I watched her sleep peacefully and smiled as I touched the crock of my neck where she had marked me. Alli was always too hard on herself, and I knew her heart broke when she thought she had wronged me. In moments like these, I knew she was all mine; I could feel it.

Our baby kicked, and I smiled.

"You're rooting for you, Daddy, aren't you," I said, my hands on Allis's belly.

"Don't you worry, Daddy's got this," I said as he kicked again.

Marking her had sealed the mating bond, and I knew that the bond between her and Matthew would soon begin to fade and become more bearable.

I hadn't planned for it to happen this way, but I knew it had been the right time.

I pulled her into my arms, taking in her scent mixed with mine, and drifted off to sleep, happiness bubbling inside me.


"How exactly did I get roped into this?" Macy whined as she followed me around the grocery store.

"Dad invited the surrounding Alphas and their mates to a barbeque. Let's get what we came for so we can eat. My baby's hungry." I said, packing the cart with meat.

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