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I don't appreciate that life comes at us fast and without clues; crossing my t's and dotting my I's became harder as I grew older. My instincts lead me to the darkest caves, I doubted my abilities and played the exact roles of characters I once judged. I'm stuck in an intoxicating world of confusion, with hope that someday I could sprinkle some colour into my existence.

I should have known better than holding onto 'em roses so tight and acting surprised when I finally got hurt by its thorns...the only ones I loved were strangers; those whom I thought pronounced reality every-time they spoke words. "MISTAKES", I heard is an affirmation of growth; because then, you get to change wildly, evolving into a permanent beast... Living with certain regrets that keeps you unsettled for what may seem like eternity.

A frightened lioness is all I see when I look in the mirror,

A shattered soul is all I relate to when I go through the book of promises unkept.


"Sending as a tweet"....

Usually, I over think and worry outside reality; I am the type of person who takes a simple A B C and think it out like it's beyond Math. "Time", they say should heal...but I dwell constantly in my past and carry burdens that aren't mine to bear; I keep holding onto everything that broke me like they're what keep me going.

"Things way I don see with my eyes, them no dey use mouth talk am" I'd always say to my mum, who's sedative response would always be "what has a small girl like you seen?" accompanied by her exhilarating uproarious laughter.

The journey into youthful age has been more or less more demanding than fore-told by my folks, most-times I wonder if it's just me who sees it this way...Oh, the responsibilities that comes with growth!

No wonder my mum would always laugh, because "true true, I never see anything".

"That reminds me" I said out loud to myself , I hadn't called home since after yesterday's incident.

Phone dialing.....

"Hello, Adaora" said my mum from the other end of the phone;

"hello, mummy good afternoon ma"

Mum: "kedu ka I mere? (How are you?), iriela nri? (Have you eaten?)".

Me: I'm fine ma, and you? How's daddy?

Mum: we're all fine my dear, "ajuru m' ma iriela nri? (I asked if you've eaten?)".

Me: yes ma, I have.

Mum: "kedu maka ndi enyi gi? Ejim n' aka na-unu nile no na-udo?" (how about your friends? Hope you're all safe?).

Me: yes ma, we're all okay.

Mum: okay ooo, I forwarded a video to you on your WhatsApp; if you see how they killed people in that your popular market in Enugu ehn??? Make sure not to go out until the whole drama is over, okay? Tell your friends I said so.

Me: "yes ma , emm mummy...the three of us were actually present at the market when it happened, but we're all okay. We're at home now" I said nervously.

Mum: what were the three of you doing there at that time? You see why I'd always tell you people to be in the right place at the right time? But no! "isi ike agahi ekwe gi" (stubbornness won't let you).

Me: mummy it was just a coincidence...

Mum: you'll always have an answer to everything; "talk to your father" said my mum as she handed the phone over to my dad who I'm sure was browsing comfortably on the settee, sipping from his mug of black coffee.

Me: hello, daddy good afternoon sir.

Dad: good afternoon Dora baby (as he fondly calls me) how are you doing? He asked with a husky voice.

Me: I am fine sir...

Dad: then what's your mummy scolding you about?

Me: it's nothing ooo, I just told her that my friends and I were present at the scene where the incident had taken place yesterday, but we're all okay now.

Dad: I've always told you to be vigilant and updated before going anywhere. Anyway; it's a good thing both you and your friends are alright.

Just take care of yourself and stay indoors until the smoke is gone! Remember it's better late than sorry.

Me: okay sir, thank you.

Dad: yeah, take care... "I cover you with the blood of Jesus" screamed my mum from the background.

Dad: okay, bye... my regards to your friends.

Me: okay, bye bye.

"Mr and Mrs Chijioke have finished abusing you baah?" Hazel said mockingly; supported by her uncontrollable and contagious laughter which has once again prompted the sub-conscious giggles that escaped the lips of Iris.

"una well done ooo, keep all of us them abuse if you no know" I said, looking towards them after several failed attempts to withhold my laughter.

They've always teased me for having such strict parents; Iris and I most-times argued about who's parents were more strict... but after phone calls like this: I'd end up being crowned the queen of strict folks-meanwhile, Hazel's parents have always been the cool and trending parents; they're in-fact the definition of the Twenty-first century African parents.

Here, you have it! Chapter 3.
This chapter was special to write, I hope my concepts and exposure gets you in my light.
I think I deserve some sort of accolade here, lol, I mean...who publishes 3 chapters in 2 days? Me !
Thanks again to you guys, my beautiful audience. I love the energy I'm getting. Love you.

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