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I am getting older, and honestly...I think there're a lot of things that ought to be evident by now.
In the blink of an eye I'll be thirty with a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders.
...and who says time doesn't fly?
Who says I am-not getting old?

It feels like I was just fifteen yesterday...sigh, the good old days when I never had to worry about the next day, when I didn't have hustling to wake up to; the days I got whatever I asked because I was obviously too young to work for them.
...but who says  time doesn't fly?
Who says I am not getting old?

Today feels very much like the future, I feel and look old already.
Most-times, I can't help but think I've worked so hard... when I've done nothing in actual sense.

"DREAM"  was a world I was allowed to live in when I was younger,
"REALITY"  is the world I should live in now that I am grown.
Who says time doesn't fly?
Who says I am not getting old?

I am very much grown now,
I think I might understand how the  growth-phase works.
We don't do things because we love them;
we do things to survive.
Who cares about passion when your account is reading red,

FAILURE  sat me down and she advised that I worked my ass out!

Everything that I hate... might be what gets me employed;
There're two envelopes on the table for me!
1. To remain a titled Architect with no contract jobs
2. Or... go get a teaching job in a reasonably paying high school to survive.
Who said time doesn't fly?
Who says I am not getting old?

LIFE truly happens!

Soon I'd be seventy, my kids would be the working's the cycle.
All I'd do is sit on a rocking chair; brushing my cat's fur while watching the news.
...and during the holidays when my grandkids are gathered around;
I'll tell them stories about how young Adaora failed and won,
How she fell and stood back up!
Seventy is pretty old... and if the government's still ideal; I should be going on vacations and animal adventures with my bountiful pension.
Who says time doesn't fly?
Who says I am not getting old?

Wait!...hold on a minute

Did I just get social-media popular? (Screaming dramatically in my head)

Oh, wow.

"SINCE BLOOD IS RED" isn't even topping the chart of my best written why this much retweets, love, hate and curses in it?

There's no way I've got six hundred thousand retweets,
...and there's no way am getting this much hate and threats either.

Majority of these comments have somehow got me feeling great, like I am a reincarnation of Margaret Atwood.

The haters on the other hand are really doing the most... if I were some low self-esteemed individual, Linda Ikeji might have already blogged about the teenager who jumped into River Niger due to hateful comments; "TAKE THIS RUBBISH DOWN", "STOP MAKING HIGHLIGHTS WITH SOCIETAL PROBLEMS", " AQUIRE MORE SKILLS AND STOP DRAGGING YOUR WORTHLESS SELF IN THE MUD"... lol ,first off; who the hell writes ACQUIRE without the "C"?.  Stupid people roaming the continent.

I wasn't ready to show those comments to Iris and Hazel, the girls warned; one of the comments actually warned about me stepping outside my street with my friends unless I've got body guards...what the hell?

I go explain tire ooo because I think it's just me who understands how harmless SINCE BLOOD IS RED is.

I am honestly not even dreaming about taking that post down, not when I've got six hundred thousand retweets, oh, six hundred thousand and two retweets.

Let the haters hate abeg.

"Adaora" yelled Iris and Hazel almost at the same time.

"We warned, we really did" said Iris.

"You guys should chill abeg, what's the worse that could happen?" I said looking straight into the eyes of my angry friends.

"What's the worse that could happen? Really? Did you just ask that?

People know you Adaora, most people know your family and friends, what if someone snitched out our house address? Hun? If you asked me, I think that isn't even close to being the worse that could happen" - yelled Hazel as she picked up a novel from the shelf.

She was speaking true facts, no doubts; but come on, everyone knows about how the internet drags innocent people.

"Take it down Adaora" summarized Iris as she walked into the kitchen to prepare our regular Sunday Jollof rice.

How can I grow with ease?
How can I rise again after I've fallen?
How can I stop hurting after the event's passed?
Don't play too close to the fire,
It's gon burn and give you lasting scars.
"Only the brave survive"...doesn't make those who didn't weak.

I am Still growing and yet I feel like I've experienced the worst of everything.
How can you see through me only when am vulnerable? Is my weakness a lens?...
Why is anger my only untamed emotion?
still very much confused on why I experience people in the most uncertain ways.
Growth is a process, but until when before I'd get my life together?

Hey people, how did you feel about this chapter? I felt good because here, the WRITER'S FEAR is kinda beginning to display. Have fun.
Don't forget to follow, vote and comment on this chapter. Thanks, love you.

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