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My siblings and I are a literal definition of "the three peas in a pod".

Over the years, our growth and destinies have created a huge gap which has sort of become a bridge of separation. The only times we saw and communicated non-stop was during the holidays; but like they say "absence makes the heart grow founder".


My big brother, Agu is the first child of three and only son of my parents. I like to call him "anyanwu ututu" (the morning sun), just like the sun; his presence is never hidden. He is a Gen-Z disciplinarian and a micro-biologist who's environmental research might just lead us to that utopian dream.

Agu is a born science freak and an electronic wizard who whilst a kid derived some sort of pleasure in dismantling his toys just to prove he could get every piece back in place;

The guy is as intelligent as he claims to be!

I grew up with a perspective created by my own imaginations that my brother was a perfect child with no worries or flaws,

probably because he handled tough situations so professionally.

watching him grow older made me realize adulthood is just as complicated as geometry, I've seen him hide pain and suffocate himself in his corked bottle of undisclosed emotions, this was an attribute I saw mostly in grownups; only grownups knew how to bottle up brother's grown!

He's got rent, light bills and sibling billings to attend to.


The only time I had seen my brother so upset was when I got bullied by a senior in our secondary school female hostel.
He was also a senior while I was just a junior new B.

The news had spread across the school before I even got to tell it- on my way out of the hostel, I sighted my brother's figure beneath the brightness of the street lights walking towards me.

"What was he doing in the girl's hostel this late?" I thought to myself

"Who did this to you?" He yelled from afar

With this question, his plans were laid out before brother was storming into the female hostel to bully my bully. Mad!

I definitely owed my sister that sort of defense!


You all might probably see me as the over thinker since I'm the writer,


My brother is!

He is the first child and only boy...of course he has to be the over thinker. I only wonder how he manages his emotions, how his thoughts never affect his life negatively like I let mine do to me.

"Agu don't forget, I am always here if you ever feel like talking to someone", I always made sure to let him know how okay it was for him to share certain things with me before I ridiculously proceed to begging him for his hard earned money while I describe in my shame of unemployment how close I am to meeting God in person if he doesn't come to my rescue.

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