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          Well, both my parents are educated bigwigs; they're behavioral elites who are learned in almost every aspect that's termed logical.

They're both retirees of different departments; they worked in one of the companies of Niger State; after they had retired, our little family of five had to move down from the North where we had lived for so many years back to the East... Our mother land.

My dad worked as a Reservoir Hydrologist in office for thirty-five years; this man has had both his hands on deck all his life...I'm sure; most-times, the sight of him makes me unworthy of beholding such an elite icon, I tend to think of him as a human encyclopedia.

He's a philanthropist who's generosity marvels me all the time, he's a man of few words; he's more like the "I've done my part, now do yours!" kind of dad, he doesn't get easily irked but when provoked though, thunders in an uproariously annoying manner that gets you driven to the wall.

                My mum on the other hand worked as a school principal in the same establishment as my dad (in the educational sector) for about seventeen years before retirement.

She could also be identified as an advocate for human literacy. Till date, her broken dreams of becoming a lawyer irks her to the core,

"lucky Nigeria, I couldn't become a lawyer" she'd always say and of course, I solemnly agree to that.

She's beyond intelligent and could cause a cyber-crash if someday the internet decides to compete with her level of intelligence.

Oh oh, did I forget to mention that she loath every form of lacadisical behaviors ?- once, she seized our television and gadgets for a week because my siblings and I didn't come out for dinner early;

can you imagine?

Well, I am all grown-up now and I am super grateful for all the trainings I thought were irrational...there're so many ditches I didn't fall into because there were certain acts I wasn't allowed to display in;

my mum's fury is an emotion to be left tamed because, once that cat is out of the bag...she'd yell for hours or even days, so long as her vocal cords are still in line.


               The world should be grateful for couples such as my parents who are true humanitarians for producing the number of kids they have the ability, time and finance to raise.

On one of my journeys from Awka, Anambra State; where I had my IT (internship training) to Enugu State, I had observed through the half broken window of the bus- a middle aged woman, begging on the streets with seven of her children in the heavy traffic; four walked ahead of her... holding each other's hands securely, the other two lurched behind her while she carried the youngest in her left arm- with her pregnancy which was quite evident... I shouldn't have been surprised!.

"nawa, why person go dey breed children like this for this poor Nigeria way we dey so?" the driver exclaimed in disgust.


                The daily rate of staggering inflation in Nigeria is without doubt a valid, non-skeptical reason on why the intensity in child birth should be reduced.

Why don't people understand the art in equalizing the rate of childbirth with the resources at hand?

Why don't people just cut their coats according to their sizes or rather, wallets?

              "This is crazy" I screamed excitedly causing the freaky glares I got from both Iris and Hazel for interrupting the already paused movie we were seeing together in the living-room –

"the write up I posted on twitter the other day, SINCE BLOOD IS RED", I said looking at Iris who sat by my right.

"yes, what happened to it?" asked curious Hazel from the left;

  "it has over five hundred retweets, plus my followers have increased too".

"wow, that's a cool blow up girl- we're never surprised when your write-up's get validated, you deserve the accolade" said Iris...

and that was beyond true; these girls have believed so much in my writings,

Hazel had said to me once "Adaora, this writing of a thing you do will take you to places"-well, I believe it now... they've been my hype-women since the first day I decided to devote useful time into writing.

Nevertheless, the reactions I get in response to my writings most-times scares the hell out of my friends

"make person no hold you down for road beat you one day... my hand no dey oo" they'd always say to me.

               Twice, I have been blocked and removed by some people on Instagram who thought that my writings were too judgmental and politically inclined; while about ten other people whom I have never meet before or even known demanded that I took down my beautiful masterpiece from the internet because they felt most of my posts questioned their personalities thereby triggering their conscience back to existence;

but that's the aim though!.

I am not one who cares about the internet rage... so long as there're no threats involved-

"it's not like I am telling lies or something... I'd always tell the truth; in the exact way it happened, who wan vex-make him vex" I said in response to Iris and Hazel.

     "Why don't people cut their coats according to their sizes or rather, wallets?" - this is definitely my best statement in this chapter... what statement got you excited? Please share with me in the comments section and also, don't forget to follow me.
My views are increasing, I am happy... thanks to everyone reading my book and sharing its links.
See y'all in Chapter 5, stay fine.

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