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Don't call me insane...
I am sure it's not just me who gets questioned by their minds.
"How do you feel when your strength is tested?"
"How do you feel when your confidence is misunderstood?"
... "And your opinions...condemned?"
"...when your authority falls to the ground?"
they don't understand...
they'll never understand how long it took me to finally become me...ADAORA THE NEW.

Once upon a time, my sun was behind the clouds...
My tolerance was tested,
"I was silent, I remained calm"
"...and what did it cost?"
"What did I loose?"
A-lot! A whole lot and it changed me.
My feet couldn't stand solid...

"Better the devil you know than the one you don't"
Who am I to myself?
Could it be that I am my unidentified problem?
Will I ever get to the realization that it's I who's rumpling the pages of my happiness?

I know I am not the only one who's tired of being cool and calm...
why do I feel indifferent?
Am usually the one to shut myself out at my own defense,

Why do I unclench my palms from the fists they've been bolted in?
It's not like my offenders are willing to take back their punches and violent words.

I've always held the standard for myself- only I could do it!

I don't expect the world to feel troubled for my sake, but I also don't admire when my plea for existence begins to sound like a scripted comedy.

I've always brought myself down to build up others- but who would do that for me? No-one!

I've stood face-to-face with my fears and No!
It's not as liberating as I imagined it would be, but one thing was sure, no-one could use them against me could put me to a test.

I've just learnt to take control of my life!


Nothing good lasts; I'll tell you, you're a friend.
Life doesn't give love , it's hate and it's cruel.
As long as you live, you'd learn differently and most times get rejected in the hardest ways.

The future scares us,
The past hunts us,

Society breaks us first; then suddenly, everyone becomes incapable to dispense love.
Cruelty is the swagger now,
Most kids end up depressed,
Giving up becomes an option,
"Suicide might be the way out" they'd think.

It's as real as it gets, it's as true as it's said.
Locked outside the gates,
Held back with chains of fear,
Are we ever getting out?? Cause all we've done is scream in silence.

LOUD SILENCE, I really hope it isn't just me who gets questioned by their minds, it's scary most-times but we've got no choice than to survive.

Don't forget to follow me and comment... you can vote also, thanks.
Chapter 9 isn't so far away though. Watch out!

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