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He didn't proceed with his attraction towards you because he was so sure of your attraction towards him and why trying to make you feel good when he assumed everything he did would automatically feel good to you?

                                                                         Bolu Babalola


"Love is never enough these days; I think loyalty is what makes love enough!
Sometimes you must forget what you feel and go for what you deserve...your peace and sanity.

The truth is everyone's going to hurt you; you just have to find the ones worth suffering for.

One more thing...for your mental well-being, never assume you're special to anyone; you're ordinary and disposable, so act accordingly my dear" I said to Chisom".

"I know, I know about all of that Adaora; he loves me, I'm sure... his feelings for me are quite evident.

He even promised to get married to me but if I let him go now; what's my fate going to be? Asked Chisom.

"Your fate? I asked

You're just Twenty years old  Chisom, and since when has marriage become a criterium for making it in life? I had to ask.

If Chisom and I hadn't had this discussion under the cool air of the evening, I definitely would have hit her on the mouth with my oversized Prada slippers for the trash she just disposed into my ears...

but no,

she came for advice,

she needed some sort of moral support and I was willing  to give it.

Chisom was a second year student at that time...and also my roommate; in actual sense, she was a year older than I was while I was ahead in the  educational system.

          Chisom had gotten into trouble!
when I say trouble- I mean the vice chancellor's kind of trouble.

The Vice chancellor had just concluded an impromptu meeting with the entire school considering the viral video that was released the previous day; dear Chisom had just been expelled; while her boyfriend- Eric, was given a minor suspension.

Apparently, Chisom's nude videos were uploaded into the internet yesterday by her darling boyfriend who claimed his phone was hijacked and that he had no idea she had even sent such videos to him. Liar!

I know they say "it's no use crying over spilled milk" but it doesn't mean Chisom should exhale cool air through this issue like it's a piece of cake- it might be cake, but it obviously didn't get thrown at her face in pieces.

"He must have some sort of reasonable explanation for this, there's no way the Eric I know would do me this bad" said Chisom,

Chisom was used to thinking good about everyone, so I didn't blame her for imagining the slightest positivity in Eric,

my sympathy for her didn't prevent me from mocking her after what she had just said

"he must have some sort of reasonable explanation for this, there's no way the Eric I know would do me this bad" I mimicked Chisom who's eyes were getting watery from my annoying acts. 

She definitely had no idea how easily and quickly people could go off... if she's sure she ever knew her guy.

Eric wasn't the guy for Chisom, her friends told her and so did I; Eric was a campus flirt who didn't just take it upon himself to flirt but also to hook up with every girl.

He had asked all of Chisom's friends out on dates before he even knew about her existence; now guess who just got played and implicated by a hoodlum...Chisom!

Eric was the devil's advocate while Chisom was his pawn- he called her his own but treated her like less, he was never honest; he was never loyal- his proclaimed love for her was just another lie he cajoled her into believing.

I've always seen Chisom's guy as a traitor, the devil's friend; a glitching sorcerer- I wonder how much he was tipped by the devil to break her naïve heart!

            NO SHIELDS

In your eyes were sudden lies,
I saw the change in you!
We were headed nowhere...I had to discard our defeated love.

I fixed myself and rebuilt my walls;
You knocked 'em all out like an army in war.
I'm drunk on pain,
Love's dead to me;
but still I gave out a chance.

I hate that I'm a broken writer with no shields;
Every inspiration I've got is from a depth of pain,
Every good thing I've done went on to hurt me.

I pour out my heart on every blank sheet,
Whenever I talk about how I feel... it's taken like a stolen verse from the Cinderella story.

You see...I've tried to protect myself, I've tried to defend my heart.
How can I avoid love when I've got no shields?



"Sometimes you must forget what you feel and go for what you deserve...your peace and sanity." Yeap, choose your sanity at all times...your peace should be your priority.

Thanks for reading my book, please don't forget to vote, follow and comment .
Also, my parents appreciated chapter 4 and my siblings loved chapter 5. It's awesome.
See y'all in chapter 8

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