Chapter 1

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Brooklyns POV

Another day, another dawn.

I sighed, pushing myself out of bed. I grabbed my Hogwarts muscle tank top and a random pair of jeans and some vans. I glanced out the window in my room and saw that it was a beautiful day, my attitude was lifted as I looked at the crystal blue sky.

I went over to my favorite kids room, although I won't admit it to the other kids, Justin. He was an adorable 10 year old, who was put in the orphanage a few years ago because his parents died in a plane crash. He was basically my best friend in the place because of his love for skateboarding and the fact that he would model for me.

"Hey Justin, ready to grab some breakfast and head over to the park?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let me grab Ghost."He told me. I rolled my eyes playfully at his name for his white penny board, like, who names their skateboard?I darted back into my room to grab my camera and my own penny board, it was blue with light up wheels. It was the last gift I had ever gotten from my parents, 3 Christmases ago. It was mailed to me with a note that I kept in my pillow case. I didn't really care for my parents, but the fact that they bother to ask Emma, the orphanage runner, what I really wanted for christmas, meant a lot to me.

I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and granola bar.

"Good morning Emma." I greeted her, She smiled at me, pushing her light blonde, tinted with gray, curls out of her face.

"Good morning Brookie, going to the park to get some pictures?" She asked, calling me by my nickname. Only her and Justin were allowed to call me that. I grinned, taking a bite of my apple.

"Yeah, I want to get some more pictures for my Instagram." She shook her head,

"I will never understand you kids and your internet addictions." I smiled, walking into the hallway yelling for Justin to hurry up. He came running down the stairs, pulling on his jacket. I threw him the granola bar and open the door.

"Thanks Brookie." He smiled, his cheeks becoming obscured by the huge dimples on his face. I poked his cheek, my hand immediately getting swatted away by Justin.I stuck my tongue out at him, heading out the door, making sure I had my phone and my key, my camera hanging around my neck.

I hopped on my penny, pushing of shouting at Justin to come on.I rode all the way to the park, kicking up my board walking over to Justin.

"Hey your friends are here, why don't you go with them." I offered,

"Your my friend too, Brookie" I smiled, he's so cute.

"Its fine J, I can survive on my own. Im probably just going to go and just get some pictures and grab something from StarBucks."

"Okay!" He told me, already running off.

Well gee, that was hard

I thought, smiling to myself.I walked over to a field, a group of five girls were running around mouthing to the music that was playing. Another girl was filming.I watched them for a little while, before going over to them when the music stopped.

"Excuse me," I asked the girl with blondish hair.

"Can I take a picture of you guys?" I asked them,

"Uh, yeah. Can I ask why though?" She asked me, looking confused. I smiled at her, the other girls came up to her, her friends I was guessing.

"I like taking pictures of beautiful things and sharing them, and all six of you are gorgeous and I want to share it."

I smiled at them. The blonde girl told them what was happening. They all agreed hesitantly.

"Cool, so can you guys,"

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