Chapter 7

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Dani's POV

So far I really liked this Brooklyn girl. She liked my favorite bands, she seemed to have a good sense of humor, little shy, but when she was comfortable she was totally herself. Basically she was like a Lisa and Lauren hybrid.I walked up to our room with Lisa, Lauren, Christina and Brooklyn to drop off all of her stuff. She didn't have a bed yet so she was going to be sleeping on an air mattress that we had shoved in a corner until her and Lisa's new bunkbed came in.

I put her stuff down on the air mattress. Lisa and Christina placed her suitcases near the closet and Brooklyn put down her box and book bag.We all walked down stairs to see the rest of our family sitting in our living room.

Brooklyn's POV

"Alright now that everyones here, lets go down the line, say your name and age, I don't care if Brooklyn's already met you."

Mr. Cimorelli said.

"I'm Michael Jr. Call me Mike, I'm 25"

"I'm Christina, 24."

"I'm Katherine,"

She said, her voice still a little raspy

"I'm 23 and I normally don't sound like a dying old man."

I laughed, cracking my knuckles nervously.


Lisa yelled dramatically. Everyone laughed.

"I'm Amy, I'm 19."

"I'm Alex. I'm 17."

"Lauren, I'm 16."

"Dani and I'm 14."

"I'm Christian and i'm 12"

"I'm Nick and i'm 10."

"I'm Joey and i'm 9!"

The youngest boy yelled excitedly, holding up nine fingers, making me smile.

"I'm Brooklyn and i'm 16."

I told them. They all said hello and then went their separate ways. The sisters stayed and grabbed my arms.

"Where are we going?"

I asked as I was dragged along.

"Your getting a tour."

Amy told me, dragging me upstairs with the help of Lauren.

"This is the guest room."

They said, showing me a room. I looked at it for about three seconds before I was yanked along to the next door.

"This is Mike and Alex's room. This is the younger boys rooms."

They said opening two doors, showing me a typical boys room, messy with plaid comforters and blue and white walls. The older boys room was filled with desks and a TV, a treadmill and bench press in the corner. The younger boys room was filled with matchbox cars and video games. I was then showed another closed door.

"Uh, whats this?"

I asked. They all turned their heads and looked at me in sync, it was kind of creepy.

"That is a deep dark place you should never go into."

Christina said. I looked at her, confused

"Thats the boys bathroom."

Lauren said.

"Don't go in there."

"Oh, okay,"

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