Chapter 12

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Brooklyn's POV

I jumped into the passenger seat of Lisa's car and put my penny board down by my feet. Lisa got in the drivers seat and handed me the aux cord. I looked over at her.


I asked, a small smile on my face.

"Yeah, from what I can see you have pretty good music taste."

She said, pulling out of the driveway. I grinned plugging in my phone. I scrolled through my music and put on my June playlist.

Funnily enough the first song that came on was a Cimorelli song. Lisa glanced over at me.

"Did we make a new member of the cimfam?"

She asked teasingly. I shrugged.

"Well since I live with you guys I figured I should get to know your music."

I shrugged.

"I mean y'all aren't half bad."

I joked. We stopped at a red light and she slapped my shoulder lightly.

"I'm just kidding!"

I said, a smile on my face.

"I really like your guys music."

I saw a small smile on her face.

The rest of the car ride was spent screaming the lyrics to whatever song came on and debating on what songs were better.

We were finally pulling up to the orphanage and was about to race out of the car when Lisa pulled the door shut leaning across from me.

"I'll pick you up at four okay?"

She said. I nodded.

"Yeah, thank you so much Lisa."

I gave her a hug. before finally jumping out of the car.

"Later Lise."

I yelled, racing up to the door. I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. Emma answered the door.


She gave me a hug.

"Here to see Justin? He's missed you a lot, he's upstairs."

I nodded and gave her another quick hug. I raced upstairs. I stopped outside Justin's room and paused.


I screamed, swinging the open the door. He was laying on his bed and let out a scream when I bursted through the door.


He yelled scrambling around his bed. I cracked up laughing when he fell off his bed.

"Hey Jus."

I said, a huge smile on my face.


He yelled, racing over to give me a hug.

"Hows life been little dude."

He groaned.

"I'm not little! And its been okay, a new kid moved in yesterday and he's my age."


I said.

"Whats his name?"

I asked.

"Ryan. Want to meet him?"

He asked.

"We can all go penny board to the park?"

He said.

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