Chapter 17

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Brooklyn's POV

I woke up and clenched my eyes shut. Yesterday was just a dream, right? I felt something move next to me. Lisa. It wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes a crack. I saw my packed suitcases and let out a groan. I flipped around and cuddled into Lisa's side. I must've woken her up because her eyes opened and I saw her stunning brown eyes, blurred from sleep.

"Morning Brookie."

She said softly, a sad smile on her face. I buried my face into her warm shoulder.

"You need to get ready, they're going to be here in two hours."

She whispered. I made a distressed noise.

"I just want to stay like this forever."

I whispered. She let out a deep sigh.

"We don't have a choice baby girl."

She whispered. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed. I took a shower and put on a simple pair of black jeans, black shirt and my black converse. I dried my hair and left it in its natural waves. I walked out of the bathroom and put my pajamas and phone charger in my suitcase. I took the box and put in my laptop, camera and movies. I also put my picture of Justin and I in the box. The only thing I left on my shelf was a wooden box. It had all of my pictures in it. I only took three out.

One of Mom, Dad and the boys. The one that I had taken of the girls at the park. And lastly a picture of Lisa and I. We had been laughing at something and Lauren had taken my camera that was lying near us and taken the picture. It was one of my favorite pictures, both of our faces were scrunched up laughing. I had a real, genuine smile on my face. Something that hadn't appeared in a while.

I dragged all my things downstairs. I had visited Dani for the last time yesterday. The guilt still was heavy on my shoulders. The man who had hit us was fine. He had broken his arm but other than that? Nothing. Not a scratch. The reason my baby sister was lying on a hospital bed unable to wake up was fine. He went home to his wife and kid with a fine of a thousand dollars. A FINE! Dani? It had been two weeks. We didn't know when she was going to wake up. Or if she ever would. I gave the guy who hit us a pice if my mind. But no matter how much he apologized; Nothing would change that fact that he was the reason Dani was fighting for her life.

Breakfast was spent in silence. At noon the doorbell rang. Mom answered it. Andrew put my bags in the car. Jessica spoke.

"We'll wait in the car."

She said. I waited until she had shut the door to her side. I was pulled into a hug by Mom and Dad.

"Remember what I said Brook."

Dad whispered before letting me go. I went over to the boys next. They all pulled me into a group hug.

"Your gonna come back? Right?"

Joey asked I nodded, a small smile on my face.

"Yeah Joe, I'm gonna come back. Just not for a while."

He nodded. They stepped back leaving the girls. Well, most of the girls. They pulled me into a group hug.

"Tell Dani when she wakes up, I said goodbye and I'm sorry."

I mumbled. They let go and I stepped out the door. I waved good bye sadly walking towards the car. I saw Lisa race upstairs. I was just about to open the door when Lisa ran back out, a black bundle in her hands. She gave it to me. Her NorCal hoodie. I looked up at her. She shrugged, a small, sad smile on her face.

"Something to remember me by. You wear it all the time anyways."

I gave her a hug. My face buried in her hair. She kissed me on the forehead.

"You're going to be okay."

She murmured. She let go of me.

"I'll see you soon Brookie."

I slipped on her hoodie. It was hot but I didn't care. I got in the car. It backed out of the driveway. I waved sadly to her.

"Goodbye for now."

I whispered, taking one last look at my home before it disappeared. I pulled out my phone and shoved my earbuds in before either Jessica or Andrew could speak. I put on my music and the car drove farther and farther away from my safe haven.


Two hours passed before we finally pulled up to an average looking house. I shut off my phone and walked inside dragging one of my suitcases.


Andrew demanded after he had shut the front door. I raised an eyebrow but sat down anyways, my arms crossed.

"Since you will be living with us we have some rules."

He said.

"One. No contacting those girls. We are your family not them."

I was about to speak but he cut me off.

"If we find out you are contacting them you will be punished. Two. No leaving the house before asking permission. And lastly, no talking back, we are you parents and we will be treated with respect."

He finished. I stood up. There was no way in hell I was going to do that.

"You are not my parents."

I said quietly.

"You may have given birth to me but you lost the right to that name as soon as you put me in that damn orphanage. You are not my family."

I snapped. He looked at me. I happened in a blur. A large smack echoed across the room. I fell back and held my cheek, my eyes watering in pain.

"I said don't talk back!"

He roared.

"Go to your room."

I looked over at Jessica. She did nothing. In fact she had a small smile on her face.

"Second door to the left."

I ran as soon as she said that. I slammed the door shut, threw myself on the bed and bawled.

Why me?

I thought. Everything was just starting to become alright again too. I did something I haven't done in a long time. I prayed.

I just want my family.

I begged God

I just want Lisa.



I upadeting twice in celebration of red head lisa and dani bc this is a national holiday



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