Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

It was a few days later and Brooklyn was slowly opening up. Her and Lauren had go to the beach and taken some really good pictures of the sunrise a few days ago. Dani was also acting a bit weird. Just being more moody and distant.

I was lying on my bed scrolling through twitter when Dani walked in, a scowl on her face.

"Dani, are you okay?"

I asked her. She glared at me.

"Why would you care?"

She snapped. I frowned.

"Because your my sister?"

I said, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She glared a the wall.

"Well your the only one so far."

She grumbled.

"Dani just tell me whats wrong."

I said. She let out a deep sigh.

"I don't like Brooklyn."

She said finally. I stared at her.


I asked. She kept glaring at the wall.

"She stealing everyone from me."

She spat.

"Everyone likes her more than me. You, Lauren."

She clenched her knuckles.


I let out a sigh.

"Dani, just because we're spending a bit more time with Brook doesn't mean we're trying to replace you or anything. We just want her to be more comfortable. Okay?"

She made a noise of disagreement. I sighed again, rubbing my eyes. I went back to twitter.

Brooklyn and Lauren came in laughing a few minutes later, causing the frown on Dani's face to deepen.

"Hey, where were you two?"

I asked, sitting back up. Lauren smiled.

"We went to the boardwalk. Did you know that Brooklyn's really good at telling really bad jokes?"

I winced slightly. Poor Dani, it must seem like Lauren's rubbing it in.

"Uh, no, no I didn't know that."

I forced a smile. Dani made a huff and faced the wall, her form tensed. I bit the inside of my cheek. Lauren was oblivious to Danis behavior, still chatting animatedly with Brook. I let out a sigh again. Lets hope this gets better.

-Five Days Later-


I heard someone yell.


I called back. Brooklyn walked into the studio.

"I need you to help me."

She said. I spun around to look at her.

"What do you need?"

I asked her.

"I need you to take me to my DIA on Wednesday."

(DIA is driver instruction association or something like that I don't really know lol)

I nodded.

"Uh okay. What time is it?"

"Like noon."

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