Chapter 14

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-Two Weeks Later-

Brooklyns POV

I had been at the Cimorellis house for almost three months. I was slowly opening up to everyone, Lisa the most though. We disappeared most nights, and sat down together at our spot at the beach and just talked.

Dani was still being quiet and distant. I noticed she was wearing long sleeves more and was spending an excessive amounts of time in the bathroom.

I decided to confront her today. Everyone was out of the house and it was just Dani and I. I walked up to our room.

"Hey Dani?"

I knocked softly on the side of our door frame. She looked up, and the scowl that had been on her face constantly for the last two weeks appeared agin.


She snapped.

"Can you come here?"

I asked her. She let out an irritated sigh and climbed down her ladder. She sat down on Lisa's bed next to me. She was once again wearing a sweatshirt with long sleeves covering her hands.

"Can you show me your wrists?"

I asked her quietly. She stood up, an angry look in her eyes.

"Look Dani,"

I said quickly.

"I know you don't like me, but you don't know me. You can tell me anything and I won't judge you. Swear."

I told her quietly. It was about three seconds before she burst into tears. I got up and pulled her into a hug. We sat back down, her, sobbing heavily into my shoulder.

I gently pulled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt and saw multiple raw red lines scored across her wrist.

She noticed that I had seen them and started crying harder.

"Hey, hey, its okay Dani."

I told her gently. She stopped crying abruptly.

"No its not!"

She yelled angrily. Her eyes were red, her face blotchy.

"This is all your fault! I wish you had never come here!"

She screamed. Ouch, that stung a bit. She shot up and ran out into the hall. I raced after her. I saw her run into the bathroom and I tried to wrench the door open. It was locked.

"Dani, please don't do this! Your skin isnt paper, don't cut it."

I begged through the door. She didn't answer but I could hear her crying. I slid down the door and waited, my head in my hands. I sat there for almost an hour, waiting and begging for Dani to come out. I finally left, knowing she would only leave if i wasn't there. I threw myself on Lisa's bed and bawled.

I just wanted to help Dani so badly because I knew what she was going through. I had really bad days every once in a while back in the orphanage. The main reason I stopped was for Justin. I cleaned myself up and laid down on my mattress. I twirled my lanyard with my new car key and house key on it, my present for getting my drivers license a week and a half ago. I let out a deep sigh. I went downstairs to get a drink. I saw Dani sitting at the island. As soon as I walked into the kitchen she jumped up and rushed out. I rubbed my eyes. This was not good.

-A Week Later-

Christina was forcing all of us to got to the mall to get the girls new clothes for their cover they were filming tomorrow. Dani was still avoiding me. I didn't want to go in the slightest, but Christina bribed me by saying I could drive.

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