Chapter 30

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Brooklyns POV

Three hours later. Three hours. The meet and greet was almost over with only about five people left, and I was dead. I was so tired. It had been one of the top two best nights of my life though, that was for sure. I had to pee super bad after drink four bottles of water over the past three hours, so I nudged Lisa's shoulder.

"Hey, Lise i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick."

I muttered in her ear. She nodded an then continued talking to the fans.

When I got back from the bathroom, you could say I possibly got the biggest shock of my life.

Lisa's POV

It was finally the last person in the line. I checked my phone for a second to look at the time and then looked up to see Brooklyn.

"Hey Brook...uh why'd you change clothes?"

I asked. She was in a different merchandise shirt with shorts, she was also holding bags and a poster that was to be signed. I was really confused now. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Uhm, my name is Chloe."

She said slowly. Someone tapped on my shoulder.


I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Brooklyn. I turned back around and saw her again. I looked back and forth quickly and rubbed my eyes.


I yelled, frustrated. The other girls looked over at us and froze.

"You guys see what I see, right?"

I asked desperately. They nodded slowly. I sighed in relief. Brooklyn to the left of me looked up and gasped.

"Why do you look like me?"

They asked at the same time.

"Wait, what?"

They said again.

"Okay hold on."

Christina said, taking charge.

"You are Brooklyn."

She said pointing to the one who was standing behind the table with me.

"And you are..."

She trailed off.

"I'm Chloe."

She answered.

"Okay why do you two look alike?"


They both yelled at the same time

"This is creepy."

Dani whispered to Lauren. She nodded, staring at the two girls.

"Uh Brooklyn do you have like, a secret sister or something?"

Katherine asked.

"No! I was an only, hated child!"

She yelled, exasperated.

"Stop that."

I snapped at her. She looked at me, an eyebrow raised, the corners of her eyes harded in defiance.

"I hate it when you talk like that."

I told her. Her gaze softened.


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