Chapter 5

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Brooklyns POV

To say that Starbucks trip was awkward would be putting it lightly. It was awful. Sure the people were nice and stuff, but I just absolutely hate talking to new people. I didn't speak most of the time, just sipped my drink as slowly as possible, just so that I had something to do.

When Lisa and Christina finally decided that we need to go. I stood up immediately, relief clear on my face. I didn't wait for them to say their goodbyes, I just walked out to Christina's car. I sat down on the curb next to her car and pulled out my phone. I just messed around on twitter until they came outside.

Lisa's POV

We were getting ready to leave when I asked the girls a very important question.

"Do we follow you guys on twitter?"

We got multiple answers.Christina and I spent another 10 minutes following the cimfams that were there on twitter. I looked around and noticed Brooklyn wasn't with us. My eyes widened.

"Oh shoot, Christina, we need to abort mission! Brooklyn's waiting I think."

She looked around and quickly gave everyone a hug. I hugged everyone and grabbed my bag.

"Bye guys! It was really nice meeting you all!"

I said running out the door, Christina following.We hurried over to Christina's car, sighing in relief when we saw Brook sitting on the curb, on her phone.

"Hey, Brook, why did you run off like that."

Christina asked her.She looked up, her face emotionless.

"You said we were leaving, therefore I left."

She said, rather angrily. I stepped back.

"Uh, okay then."

I mumbled, getting in the car. I got in the passenger seat this time, I was just getting a feeling that she wanted to be alone right now.I took out the small camera I kept in our car and decided to vlog.

"Hey guys!"

I waved at the camera.

"There's Christina. Hey, Christina, I'm filming you!"

She didn't take her eyes off the road, but did reply.

"I'm choking you..."

She paused, I jumped in, knowing where this was going


We finished loudly. I laughed, then pointed at the camera at myself.

"Shoutout to Another Cinderella Story."

I paused filming Christina who had just seen a squirrel and was freaking out about someone hitting it. I mouthed 'What a freak' into the camera.Then I showed Brooklyn in the back seat.

"And this is our special surprise guest who's name I'm not telling you and I'm gonna blur out her face!"

I grinned evilly at the lense.

"You can talk though, mystery human."

I glanced at Brook in the mirror, She looked up from her phone and smiled at the camera.

"Hi guys! If you think you know who I am, tweet me! You just need to look up my name!"

I turned the camera back to myself.

"Thats all you get cimfam! We'll reveal who this mystery person is later!"

I winked at the camera, before shutting off the camera.I heard Brooklyn from the back.

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