Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV

As soon Hannah hung up the Skype call I lost it. But not in the way normal people do. I didn't cry, scream or try to break the computer. I just didn't know what to do. I stared at the black computer screen.


I heard Lauren ask tentatively. I looked back at her. The other girls had left the room.


My voice cracked.

"What are we gonna do?"

She whispered. A tear fell down her face and she wiped it away angrily.

"I don't know Laur. I don't know."

She started crying, not bothering to try and stop them. My eyes started watering, but I was not going to cry in front of my broken little sister. I had to stay strong for her, even though I was at my breaking point.

"Its okay Lolo, its going to be okay Lo. We'll figure something out."

I pulled her onto my lap. She collapsed onto my shoulder.

"I mi-miss her Lisa!"

She cried. I clenched my eyes shut, refusing to cry.

"Ill figure something out Laur. Everything will be okay."


Brooklyn's POV

It was Monday and I was getting ready for school. I put on another long served shirt, thankfully as it was August and getting slightly cooler, I had more excuses to wear them to hid my wrist. I wore long sleeves almost all the time. Thank god our volleyball uniforms were long sleeved.

I went downstairs. Andrew and Jessica had gotten back yesterday and had gone out, as per usual. The abuse hadn't been as bad but I had to call Hannah because I had another panic attack.

I owed my life to her. If she didn't pick up and didn't come over that night, I would most likely be dead.

I walked downstairs and got out of the house without running into them. They were probably to hung over to do anything anyways. I walked to school and by my locker stood Hannah, Marie, Evie and Frannie. As soon as I reached them I was engulfed in a hug by all four of them.

"Hey guys."

I said quietly. I guess Hannah had told them what happened.

"Brook we are so sorry we didn't pick up our phones."

Marie apologized. A small frown appeared on Hannah's face.

"Its okay. You would've been to late anyways probably."

Frannie winced.

"Don't say that Brook."

She begged. I sighed. I grabbed all of my things and went to my classes.

I walked to lunch and sat down in between Hannah and Marie. The perverted football player, Trevor, walked up to us with his jock friends behind him. Most of the students were watching our table.

"Hey babe."

He winked at me. I grimaced.

"Hey asshole."

Hannah said casually. He glared at her.


He muttered. Hannah stood up. The whole cafeteria went silent.

"What was that?"

She asked calmly. He looked down at her short figure, undaunted.

"I called you a bitch."

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