Chapter 18

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Lisa's POV

Dani woke up. She woke up three days after Brooklyn was taken away. We all talked for a while before she asked.


She said quietly. I looked up from where I was staring at my fingers.


I asked her.

"Where's Brooklyn? I need to apologize to her."

She said the last part so quietly I almost couldn't hear her.

"She's gone."

I whispered, before I ran out of the room. I ran past the waiting room, out to the parking lot and into my car. I broke. Tears poured down my face. Brooklyn hadn't answered any of my calls or text and I didn't know what to do. I rested my head against the steering wheel, tears still steadily making their way down my face. I heard the passenger door open and saw Lauren's white converse.


She asked quietly. I didn't move. Lauren let out a small sigh.

"Lisa...I know its hard, but please listen to me."

She said. I looked over at my little sister, my eyes still blurred with tears.

"I know you think Brooklyn's ignoring you but, think about it."

She said.

"I think she's just trying to make it easier for herself by not contacting us. Mom and Dad are doing everything they can Lise. We just need to be patient."

I glanced back over at her. I smiled for the first time since Brook left.

"When did you get so wise Lo?"

She gave me a sad smile, pulling me into a hug.

"About three days ago."


Brooklyns POV

Two months. It has been two months since I had seen the Cimorelli's. I had missed Amy's birthday. The only thing I could do was send her a tweet.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AmyCim ! I love you so much and I miss you all from the bottom of my heart! <3

The girls had made a video explaining Dani's coma but didn't mention me at my request by at twitter dm. She had thankfully woken up. The fans had no clue where I was. Living here was hell. Jessica and Andrew were gone half the time on business. And when they were home, they went out almost every night. Andrew normally got wasted, I would say something smart to him and then he would hit me. That, for every week, everyday for two months. I had no friends. They were making me go to the local high school for my junior year.

They never let me out of the house. I sometimes went to the beach when they were gone for work and to the park to skate. The only people I had had contact with in the last two months was Justin and my old volleyball friends, Corinne, Katie, Megan, Claire and Holly.

I missed them so much it hurt. Almost as much as I missed the Cimorellis. I woke up early on August first. First day of my new school. I grabbed all of the supplies that Jessica had got me and shoved them into the black backpack she got me. I took a quick shower and put on my jean shorts and my green day shirt. I put my red flannel on over it and slipped on my converse. I left my hair in its natural blonde waves. I put on my make up to cover up the bruise Andrew had made the other day on my face and neck. I pulled down my sleeves to cover my scars. I had gone back to cutting.

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