Chapter 6

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In the early morning light, Harper stirs awake, blinking her weary eyes open. Next to her bed, she sees a tray of food waiting for her. Choso is seated cross-legged on the floor, staring intently at her.

"What are you doing in my room?" she exclaims incredulously, still half-asleep.

Choso explains, "Tilly said you'd probably be hungover and suggested bringing you some things to help ease the symptoms."

Harper sits up in bed, rubbing her tired eyes, and replies, "That's sweet of you, but you really didn't have to."

She knows what Tilly is trying to do and is determined that nothing will work to bring them together.

She put her walls up for a reason. She was determined not to get hurt again.

"Did you sleep well?" Choso asks, his tone genuine.

Harper takes a piece of toast from the tray and chews it thoughtfully a moment before swallowing it. She looks up at him and shrugs, "I guess so. Did you?"

Choso appears exhausted, the bags under his eyes indicating that he hasn't been sleeping well at all.

"I didn't wake up through the night," he says with a small, weary smile.

A smile rare behind his usual aloofness.

Harper drinks her juice and asks, "Does Geto have anything planned for us today?"

Choso seems less than enthused, "He talked about you two going out on the town to get you acquainted with the culture. He also mentioned wanting to see if you two could sense any cursed spirits."

Harper sighs and rolls her eyes, "Ah great, a way to knock on death's door."

She rises from the bed and heads to her closet, her steps slow and somewhat drowsy.

"We're gathered in the kitchen when you're ready," Choso tells her as he makes his way to the door.

She heard the door slide open and decided to turn to face him.

"Choso, uh, thanks." Harper utters softly and smiles at him.

Choso bows his head politely and leaves the room.

As Harper gets dressed, she finds herself thinking about Choso. Despite their differences and apparent lack of chemistry, she feels a strange kind of comfort in his presence.

She remembers their conversation last night and the small gestures of kindness that he showed - bringing her food and checking to make sure she slept well.

Perhaps there is something there, no matter how unlikely...

Harper shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts. She couldn't let him in and break down her walls. It was just one good gesture from him, nothing that could change her feelings.

They were just friends.

Still, something deep down inside whispered to her that there was more to their connection than meets the eye...

Harper makes her way to the kitchen, noticing everyone already gathered. Tilly is playing with Mahito's hair and flirting with him.

"Hey, Har! How was breakfast?" Tilly exclaims, her words accompanied by an eyebrow wiggle.

"It was great," Harper responds with a deadpan expression. She gives Tilly a pointed look, warning her to stop playing her games.

"Well, let me tell you about my night.." Tilly starts, seeming eager to share. "It got hot and heavy between me and Mahito."

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