Chapter 13

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Gojo and Geto:

Jujutsu High, 2005. It was the middle of their first year. A light breeze danced through the air as the teacher in their classroom struggled to settle the excited students. The atmosphere hummed with both anticipation and anxiety, as the journey to become jujutsu sorcerers had just commenced. Gojo had been sitting at the back of the classroom, twirling a pencil between his fingers as he waited for class to start. He wasn't exactly known for being the most responsible student, but he was always good for a laugh, especially when it came to riling up his classmates. Today, he had his eye on the newtransfer student, Geto. As Geto walked into the classroom, looking around nervously, Gojo smirked and gestured for him to take the seat next to him.

Gojo watched as Geto hesitantly made his way over to the seat next to him, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey, you're the new guy, right?" Gojo asked with a mischievous grin. "I'm Gojo. Nice to meet you." Geto chuckled nervously, still looking a bit uneasy in the unfamiliar environment. "Yeah, I'm Geto. Nice to meet you too," he replied, returning the smile. The teacher walked into the room, calling the class to order, and Gojo turned his attention towards the front, waiting for the lesson to begin.

As the day went on, Gojo couldn't help but find opportunities to mess with Geto. Whether it was cracking a joke during class or sneaking a piece of gum into his pocket, Gojo seemed to delight in Geto's reactions. Despite his best efforts to remain serious and focused, Geto found himself unable to resist the constant teasing. It was almost as if Gojo had a way of getting under his skin, making him feel both annoyed and intrigued at the same time.

As the weeks passed, Gojo's pranks grew progressively sillier. From leaving fake lizards in Geto's backpack to sneaking a whoopie cushion onto his chair during lunch, Gojo made sure that Geto never had a dull moment in class. Despite his initial exasperation, Geto found himself starting to enjoy the unexpected humor that Gojo consistently brought into his life. Each prank served as a small break from the monotony of school work and exams.

Over time, the nature of their relationship began to shift. The pranks became less frequent, replaced with playful banter and moments of genuine conversation. Gojo would sometimes stay late to help Geto with his curse technique - not that he needed it, and Geto often shared his lunch with Gojo, knowing that he tended to forget to bring his own. During class, they developed a discreet code, allowing them to pass notes back and forth without drawing the teacher's attention. These small moments of connection led to an unexpected bond forming between them.

As they spent more time together, Gojo found that he genuinely enjoyed Geto's company. He appreciated the way they were able to balance each other out, with Gojo's impulsive nature complementing Geto's more thoughtful and introverted personality. Geto, in turn, found himself drawn to Gojo's wit and humor, often laughing at even the most absurd jokes. They formed an unlikely friendship, each bringing something different to the table. But as they got closer, something else began to take root - feelings of affection beyond friendship.

One day, as they were studying in the library, Gojo couldn't help but notice how beautiful Geto looked while concentrating on his work.
His purple a contract to his blue ones. His purple eyes were as captivating as a rare gemstone, their irises a deep, velvety shade of purple that seemed to hold the mysteries of a thousand galaxies. A striking contrast against the fair skin surrounding them, they glimmered with a captivating light, exuding a sense of allure and power. When the light caught them in just the right way, they seemed to glow with an otherworldly beauty, as if they held the secrets of the universe within their depths. His brow was slightly furrowed in concentration, and a stray lock of black hair had fallen across his forehead. Gojo found himself unable to look away, his heart beating faster as he watched him. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was falling for Geto.

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