Chapter 10

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Choso Kamo felt the pressure building in his chest as he looked upon the one his heart desired. She was radiant and fierce, someone who could be both vulnerable and determined, kind and cruel, gentle and violent. She was the sun, and he was just a moon, a pale imitation. But he would make her his, regardless of the cost.

He had been raised in a lab, sheltered from the world and from love, but the kiss had awakened something within him. He suddenly had... desires. He had to have her.

He was meant to protect his brothers. To be the older brother he was meant to be. After their death, his new life's mission was to revenge them. But now... Now, there was something else. He wanted to live for something else. He wanted to live for Harper Thatcher. His sunset. His love who made the days better just by her presence. His heart was beating wildly at the thought of her, making him want her more than ever before. He must win her no matter what, and he would be damned if anything stopped him.

He wasn't sure if she even felt the same way. He racked his fingers through his hair, pulling on it slightly, and felt the tension building with each thought of her. Human interactions and this feeling were so foreign to him. But this feeling was so strong it was hard to keep himself together. He had to know that it was truly real and not just something he was making up in his head.

Choso sat on the edge of his bed as he heard footsteps. He looked up to see Jogo, his expression blank.

"Geto has called for a meeting." Jogo said, walking away before Choso could respond.

Choso stood up and made his way downstairs, weary of the task that lay before him.

Choso made his way downstairs and entered the meeting room. Geto was already there, seated at the head of the table.

"Take a seat." He gestured towards an empty seat next to him.

Choso did as he was told, taking his place beside Geto.

"We have a mission to pertake later this evening." Geto's voice was cold and firm.

Mahito sat to Choso's right, Jogo to his left. Hanami was seated next to Mahito.

Mahito grinned as they heard Geto speak, "Oooo, what kind of mission?"

Geto smiled and replied, "One that will require me to add a curse to my collection. "

"How exciting!" Mahito beamed.

Choso could care less about this meeting. He cared only about getting revenge on Itadori, freeing the rest of his brothers, and figuring out his feelings for Harper. He tuned out the rest of the meeting.

"Alright. You may go, but Choso stay behind," Geto said.

Everyone left the room, leaving Choso alone with Geto. His expression was still stoic and emotionless, but a spark of something lit up in his eyes.

"Stay here. We have something to discuss," Geto stated.

"How do you feel about, Harper Thatcher?" Geto asked gently.

Choso was caught off guard by the question, but his stoic expression remained in place. He didn't respond.

"I see you two have gotten close. Do I need to remind you of the mission at hand?" Geto continued. Without response, he continued. "Is your heart in the game? Or is your attention somewhere else?"

Choso remained silent as Geto pressed the issue. Geto went on.

"You've grown soft, Choso, acting like a teenage boy. Fawning over a girl who has become nothing but a mere distraction. Have you forgotten who you are? What is your purpose?"

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