Chapter 14

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Choso's smirk widened as he leaned in closer to you. "I had a feeling you were searching for the prison cube," he said, his eyes glinting in the dim light.
You gaped at him, surprised that he had managed to infer your intent. "How did you know about the prison cube?" you asked, bewildered.
Choso shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, "It's not exactly a well-kept secret. I've got my sources, you know."

You frowned at his words. It was obvious that Choso had a lot of information, but how exactly he managed to acquire it was a mystery.

Choso chuckled at your reaction. "Don't look so surprised," he said, "I always keep my ear to the ground. You could say I'm quite the information broker, you know."

Your panicked words broke through Choso's smirk. "And you couldn't have told me this before?" you demanded. "I'm your girlfriend, after all."

Choso grinned at your words. "Oh, so I'm your... boyfriend then?"

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to downplay your relationship. "Yes, Choso, that's what people call it in this era when two people are involved sexually and emotionally. Now, can you PLEASE take this seriously?"

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching down the hallway cut through the room. Your heart skipped a beat as you recognized the familiar cursed energy of Geto.

"Shit!" you exclaimed, grabbing Choso's arm and pulling him into your room.

As soon as you pulled Choso into your room, you slammed the door shut behind you. You pressed your back against the door, your heart racing as you listened for any sounds of Geto outside.

Choso stood next to you, his expression calm despite the situation. "What now?" he asked. "You know he's going to find us eventually."

You gnawed on your bottom lip, your mind racing to come up with a plan. "I know, but we need to buy some time," you whispered.

You looked around the room, racking your brain for something to use as a distraction. Suddenly, an idea formed in your mind.

You turned to Choso and said, "Wait here. I have an idea."

Choso's eyebrows furrowed in concern, but he didn't protest. He nodded and stayed next to the door, listening for any sounds of Geto outside.

You crept towards your window, slowly opening it just wide enough to squeeze through.

You pointed to the window and said, "We can climb up to the roof. We should be safe up there for a bit."

Choso raised an eyebrow at your suggestion, but he didn't protest. Instead, he shrugged and said, "Alright, let's go."

You pushed open the window, the cool night air rushing into the room. You climbed onto the ledge, then turned around to help Choso through.

Choso climbed out after you, his movements graceful despite his size. Once he was on the ledge, he looked down at the ground below and grimaced.

"Don't tell me we have to jump from here," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

You chuckled and shook your head. "No, not quite," you said, pointing to the nearby drainpipe. "We can use that to climb up to the roof."

Choso followed your gaze towards the drainpipe and let out a sigh of relief. He tested the strength of the pipe, giving it a few tugs. "This had better hold our weight," he said, a hint of worry in his voice.

"It will be fine," you reassured him. "Just take it slow and steady."

Choso nodded and began to climb up the drainpipe. He moved with surprising agility, considering his size.

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