Chapter 11

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You awoke to a thundering headache. The moonlight spilled through the cracks in your curtains, filling the room with a faint illumination. As you blinked away the lingering blur, you attempted to sit up, only to find a hand stopping you in its tracks.

"Easy now," Tilly whispered calmly, her voice low and soothing.

You noticed her then - her gentle presence, the comfort she brought just by being there and the sense of security her presence evoked.

You shifted your gaze, turning your head toward her ever so slightly, as your mind began to reel with questions.

"What happened?" you inquired quietly.

"The curse went haywire and hit you, causing you to smack your head on the concrete," Tilly explained gently, noticing your confusion and haziness.

You struggled to recall any of the events leading up to that moment, as your thoughts remained hazy and vague.

You nodded, trying to stay still as the movement of your neck triggered a surge of pain through your head.

"How long do I have to recover?" you inquired, wanting to know how long you would be out for.

"About a week or so," Tilly explained, watching as you slowly sat up - which is when she noticed the glass of water on the side table. Then, as you drank the water to cure your cotton mouth, she added, "You've had quite the fall. You've suffered a concussion."
As you downed the glass of water, the cool liquid flowed down your throat and washed away the dryness, leaving your mouth feeling refreshed and hydrated.

Tilly's warm, calming presence provided a dose of comfort as she watched you drink. Soon, she spoke.

"I think it may be best if you rest," she said, her concerns for your health and well-being evident in her tone.

You nodded, feeling exhausted and your head pounding.


As you drank the last gulp of water, Geto entered the room, a cheerful smile on his face.

"Ah, glad to see you are feeling a bit better," he remarked.

You shot a quick glance at Tilly who gave you a reassuring smile then got up and left the room, closing the door behind her.

You were going to kick her ass for that later.

Once you were alone with him, Geto asked, "May I have a word with you?"

(Rewritten with details)

You tilted your head back, looking at him with a raised eyebrow and an icy glare as you spoke bitterly.

"What do you want, Geto....or would you prefer Kenjaku?"

Geto merely smiled at your attempt at a jibe, undeterred.

"I go by many names." he said, his tone cocky and unfazed.

He ran his eyes over your body, his gaze lingering on different parts for a brief moment before settling on your face once more.

Geto crossed his legs and settled into the chair, his demeanor calm and confident.

"How are you feeling?"  he inquired, his tone showing genuine concern.

Your face crumpled into a scowl, "Why would you even care?" you asked, the doubt and distrust apparent in your voice.

Geto chuckled softly, his voice devoid of the usual smarmy attitude.

"I am not entirely cold hearted, dear." he said softly, his eyes filled with a quiet empathy.

You shot another scathing glare at him, "I know what you are capable of, Kenjaku."

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