scott street / all the little promises that don't mean much

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( you make me sick with desire )

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( you make me sick with desire )

❛ i'm stronger than all my men, except for you ❜

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❛ i'm stronger than all my men, except for you

              SUCCEEDING IN A CAREER AS strenuous as the surgical one was forcing the weight of the world on Daphne Lawson's shoulders. She wanted to be the best of the best. She wanted her name engraved in walls and people scrambling for her help within their dire moments of desperation. Daphne couldn't think of anything worse than failing after spending her teenage years engrossed in books and the boundless course of surgery. She couldn't afford to fail.

             So, she worked. She read until her eyes burned and wrote essays til her fingers cramped. She endured years at Harvard Medical — just about securing her position at the prestigious institute — and pushed past any doubtful expectations of her. And, with her MD in hand, Daphne landed herself an Internship at one of the top hospitals in the country — Seattle Grace.

              There wasn't a chance in hell that Daphne was willing to give it for anyone. Regardless of the begs and plead from her parents that wished for her to remain closer to their home in New York and not stray so far away — Daphne was unperturbed. She packed her belonging into boxes, offered a goodbye to the family that had only devoted their support to Daphne's budding career, and turned her back on everything she knew.

              Fright was common. It was expected, even. Daphne knew she should've been scared in entering a world that was foreign to her. But exhilaration was unexpected, yet Daphne revelled in it. Her Aunt Tamara, who rocked the city of New York with her ability to wield a scalpel ( Daphne's — and her younger sister's — inspiration to further herself in surgery ), once told Daphne that if she wanted something hard enough, then the world was on a silver platter for her.

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