𝟬𝟬𝟯. seek & destroy

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chapter three

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chapter three.
( seek & destroy )
S1E3 — winning a battle, losing the war.

              IT IS TO BE NOTED THAT Daphne Lawson has a lot of patience

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              IT IS TO BE NOTED THAT Daphne Lawson has a lot of patience. She is the calm winds in a tumultuous storm. She is the soothing voice in a fit of despair. Daphne has patience. It has become her virtue and she could die peacefully knowing she has been a figure of tranquility throughout the harshest times.

              Yet, against her own wishes, George and Izzie are making it painfully hard for her to remain patient.

              She hadn't realised they were so needy. There seems to be a problem with everything — the positioning of the refrigerator, the musty smell because the house has been unoccupied for years, the size of the damn couch. Daphne is sure she can't take it any longer, and the cramped hotel room she spent a few weeks in is more enticing than enduring them for much longer.

              She's made the elective decision to go into the hospital earlier, potentially snag some surgeries that she can get in on and make her way up Bailey's list of people she likes. Currently, she is swimming somewhere at the bottom, and that just isn't good enough.

              Her clothes are comfortable against her skin and her tired body ( waking at half-past three in the morning so isn't something she is fond of ) and she's pinning her brunette coils back when Meredith bursts in the room, having found a lucky escape from Izzie and George. Daphne turns back and grins.

              "Rough morning?" She asks, and Meredith groans.

              "Why, why, why did I let them move in?" She complains, head between her hands. "I should've just let you live here, it would've been so much more peaceful. And you smell really good."

Scott Street ✹ grey's anatomyWhere stories live. Discover now