Chapter 32

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Two weeks before prom, Tobias Cooper came back to Sheldon. His once curly jet-black hair was now covered in a dark green beanie, tucking away the sight of his balding head from undergoing chemotherapy, and the gray sweatshirt that he was wearing was long enough to cover his bruised arms. At first glance, he looks like a completely different person; it was far from the same boy who seats next to her for the last four years. But the sight of Toby getting lost in between the pages of his books, with his glasses settling on the bridge of his nose was all the normalcy that Luna could hold onto.

"How long will be you be staring at me like that Miss Greene?" He asked teasingly, flipping another page with a small smile tugging on his lips. She wanted to see his eyes looking intently at her, but with a book in hand, it would be next to impossible, Toby loves reading more than anything.

"Don't know," Luna could watch him all day without getting bored of his fine features, a thought that she did not dare let out of her mouth. Toby was reading The Count of Monte Cristo that was sitting underneath his table since the start of the year. It was supposedly a late Christmas gift for him, which Luna completely forgotten due to everything that went on between them.

"Stop staring," he muttered, finally closing the book that he was reading. His warm blue eyes shining against the blazing sun outside the room. Finally getting his attention, Luna couldn't hide the satisfied grin on her lips as they get lost in each other's gaze without a care about the world around them.

"Don't want to," she teased back, not wanting to let go of his piercing gaze that she loves a little too much. Toby leaned closer to her, closing the small distance separating them before she could even dare speak another word.

"Should I just kiss you then?" His words making her heart flutter, he was closed enough to claim her lips but did not dare to. No matter how much he craves her warmth, Toby was surprisingly timid outside his hospital room. He refrains from snuggling her and showering her with small kisses as soon as he stepped inside Sheldon.

"Get a room you two!" France interrupted them with an annoyed look on his face. Lexus and Athena tailing behind him.

"Go away France,"

"Oh, hush babe, Toby has to come with us back to the council room, the meeting for the upcoming prom and election needs to be finalized today," just the thought of sending Toby back to the council room scared her, but as much as Luna wanted to stop him from doing tiresome works, Toby was adamant to enjoy the time that he can stayed in school for as long as his body would allow.

"I'll come along," she announced, ignoring Lexus rolling his eyes at her.

"You can't Elliana,"


"Luna, meetings are off-limits from you, remember?" As much as Luna can go in and out of the council room, meetings were strictly off-limits for non-member of the student council. A fact that she knew a little too well.

"Come on, babe, let's ditch the boys for now," Athena pulled her away from the boys, they have to stick with each other for the rest of the days now that the boys will be locking themselves inside the council room for God knows how long.

"The prom will be in two weeks, any plan that I should be aware of?" Athena muttered next to her, they were in the school cafeteria, waiting in line for their lunch.

"Don't know, but we'll have to buy our dress anytime this week though," Luna was too caught up with taking care of Toby that the preparing for the prom was the least of her concerns lately. But now that Toby's back in school, preparing for the prom doesn't so bad at all.

"How about this weekend?"

"Sounds good,"

Nothing much had change around the school since the start of the year, the cheerleaders still keeping themselves busy with their boy toy next to them occupying the center of the cafeteria. The jocks messing around as usual, and the students running here and there, completely oblivious of her worries and the changes around her life that now revolves around Toby. Funny how her world changes every day, yet the world still looks the same to everyone.

"So, who's the unlucky guy that will take you to prom?" She asked, Athena had a ton of guys in her disposal, and finding a date was the least of her worry.

"I haven't said yes to anyone yet, let's see who will be catching my attention first," While Luna was too preoccupied with Toby, Athena had been busy breaking hearts and rejecting countless proposals for the prom, it was bad enough that Lexus and France had to accompany her from time to time because some proposals were too aggressive for her to handle on her own. Now that she thinks about it, Athena hadn't introduced a guy in a while.

"Oh right, did Toby ask you out for the prom?" Athena finished her meal in a flash. Senior prom was the embodiment of showing off your partner for the entire school to see, being asked out to be someone's prom date was a dream for some but could be a terrifying thing for others. For example, the sight of Darius Gregory walking like an idiot towards their direction with a bouquet of red roses with him, the football team following closely like a bunch of ants crawling into the room.

"Oh god, not this again," Luna could feel her stomach turning upside down, Darius was suspended for a month that his presence completely slipped her mind. The prom was the perfect way of making another grand proposal from him, and of course, Darius wouldn't let such an opportunity to slip out of his hands.

"Oh boy, this will be messy," Athena mumbled in front of her, the rest of the football team forming a large circle, each one of them holding a large cardboard with letters that spells out the word "GO TO PROM WITH ME!" the sight of it throwing the cafeteria into chaos. Everyone was looking at her direction. Luna wanted to run as fast as she could, but Darius was already towering over her before she could even leave her seat.

"Long time no see my moon, do you miss me?" his mocking tone sending chills down her spine, but Luna has better things to do now than dealing with the jackass in front of her.

"In your dreams Gregory, but I hope your vacation taught you some valuable lessons," She replied mockingly, Darius was suspended for beating a freshman who pissed him off. The poor boy was in the hospital for broken bones and Darius being the school golden boy got away with a month of suspension.

"Oh, it did, I heard some interesting rumors about you while I'm away though, my moon. Looks like you've been showering someone your affection huh?" Luna's blood run cold at his words, fully aware of the fact that Darius was talking about Toby.

"Shut your mouth Gregory, my business has nothing to do with you,"

"So, it's true huh? You and that filthy nerd, I never thought that you'll stoop so l-" His words was cut off by the palm of her hands, the sound of it ringing into the cafeteria. Luna was too mad to even care about her trembling hands from the pain, she never thought that slapping someone could feel so liberating and satisfying especially if that someone was none other than Darius Gregory.

"Don't you dare touch him Gregory, you know very well that one word from me and you will be out of this damn place," Luna knew enough dirt to throw Darius away from Sheldon, thanks to Lexus and Caleb who were keeping tabs on him for years. She wasn't supposed to use any of it against him, but Darius crossed a line that he shouldn't have.

"Oh really, like what exactly?" Darius looks amused at her outburst, but it was too late to back down, plastering a sarcastic smile on her lips, Luna leaned closer to him. Making sure that he was near enough for him to hear every word that left her mouth.

"I don't know Gregory, how about I tell your parents what's hiding on apartment 302 in Redwood?" Her words sounded like a poison lace in sweet honey, Luna watches amusedly as his smirk changes into a thin line as his eyes filled with burning rage. Of course, she wasn't supposed to know about it, especially when Darius had been extra cautious about hiding it from everyone.


"How did I know? I have my ways Gregory, now, get lost before the school know just how filthy you are," Luna walked away with a satisfied smirk, leaving Darius Gregory with his bleeding lips from her slap, removing one of her fake nails that must have been broken from the impact.

"What did you tell him, babe?" Athena muttered curiously, feeling a little guilty for keeping her out of the dark, Luna shrugged her off with a lie. Lexus will definitely wring her neck if he finds out that she used that secret to shake Darius off of her back, but it was too late now for regret.

"Let's go, Babe, I miss my Toby," the two of them made their way towards the council room, with the thought of seeing Toby making her smile in an instant.

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