Chapter 6

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By the time evening rolled around, my legs felt like jello. Jet and Red really had Tommy and I working our butts off with running. But fortunately, we both passed that test.

"Time for dinner!" Gerard cups his hands to his face, shouting to Red, Jet, Tommy, and I, who were gathered around a rock drinking water.

The four of us run towards Gerard, despite my my legs screaming for me to stop.

Gerard smirks when he sees my legs wobbling with weakness as Tommy and I reach him. "You two look like you just fought off an army of Scarecrows."

I tilt my head in confusion. Scarecrows? "What's a Scarecrow?" I ask, biting my lip.

"You'll find out soon enough, sweetie," Gerard begins to walk off and winks at me before joining Ghoul, Kobra, Jet, Wolf, and Threat.

"C'mon buzzkills, race ya back to The Nest!" Confetti Bomb places his arms around Tommy and I's shoulders with a huge grin. "Eat my dust!" And with that, he sped off.

"We can take him, can't we Jen?" Red says deviously beside me. I nod and look to Tommy.

"We got this! Use up every last bit of energy you have!" I encourage Tommy.

His eyes narrow. "Charge!" He shouts before the three of us sprint towards Confetti as fast as our tired legs could carry us.

After a few seconds, Red, Tommy, and I had taken the lead, leaving a shocked and disappointed Confetti Bomb behind us.

When we reach The Nest, even Red was out of breath. We all turn around to see Confetti stumbling towards us and collapsing at our feet.

"I surrender, newbies," Confetti says, bowing dramatically in front of us. I laugh and pat his head before the four of us went inside The Nest to eat a well-deserved dinner.

Loud chatter had already filled up the room by the time we walk in, taking a seat at one of the old-fashioned diner booths. Confetti waves goodbye to us before skipping over to join Black Wolf and Golden Threat, who seemed to be deep in conversation.

Red plops down in the booth across from Tommy and I. "Mind if I join you two?" She asks, propping her feet on the table and placing her hands behind her head.

"Not at all," I reply, copying her action.

"This looks like the party table!" I look over to see Grace walking over and sitting next to Red Adrenaline. She glances shyly at Tommy and waving slightly.

"Hey, Grace," I greet, reaching my hand across the booth and ruffling her curly hair.

She pouts at me playfully, swatting my hand away. "Stop that!"

Tommy laughs at her, pointing his finger at her now-messed up hair. She glares at him, silencing his laughs instantly.

The four of us were so deep in a conversation, we didn't notice Fun Ghoul was standing at the booth with food in his hands until he shouts obnoxiously.

"Bon Appetite," he fakes an accent, setting down plates of macaroni and cheese with garlic bread and broccoli, along with a bottle of soda.

"Thanks, Ghoul," I say with gratitude before digging into the delicious meal in front of me.

"Made it myself," Ghoul boasts, puffing out his chest. "I'm the best cook here."

"Yeah, yeah, she gets it Frank, now move along and leave us be," Red shoos the black-haired boy away with one hand while stabbing macaroni onto her fork with the other hand.

Ghoul narrows his eyes at her when she calls him by his real name, but says nothing as he walks away, gesturing that he 'has his eye on her'.

We all had eaten the entire meal, and I was stuffed. I can't really remember the last time I ever felt full, since before Tommy and I came here we lived off of stolen convenient store snacks.

"Time to tune in to Dr. D," I hear Black Wolf announce to everyone in the room. We all dump our dishes in the sink at the far end of the room and then get comfortable in the main room where couches, bean bags, and recliners were scattered around the room in no particular order.

I slump down in a bean bag chair with Tommy on my lap. Red sits on the bean bag next to me, and Confetti sits on the one on the opposite side of me.

Gerard and Wolf sit on one couch, Kobra and Threat on another, and Jet and Ghoul each get their own recliners.

Gerard then pulls out an old-looking radio covered with paint and stickers. He messes around with the dials and buttons until I hear an older man's voice.

"Look alive, sunshine. You're hearing this from yours truly, Dr. Death Defying."

Everyone leans in, intently listening to the radio.

"BLI has been as quiet as the desert these days, so somethin's up. All Killjoys must be prepared for an invasion, whether it be from Draculiods or Scarecrows. Remember, guns on you at all times, and young ones, always stick with someone who has a gun.

"Not much else to report tonight; tune in tomorrow night for updates. The Dr. is out."

The voice ends with a static sound before Gerard turns it off completely. He then turns to us. "You hear that? Lucky for us, BLI hasn't been as active as they have been, which gives us time to train Jenna and Tommy to become Killjoys without interruption."

Wolf stands up beside Gerard. "But we mustn't let our guard down; they could be anywhere. Just because Dr. D says they're inactive, doesn't mean they aren't planning something secretly."

"That's what we have spies for," Jet argues with the older Killjoy. "They're responsible for giving us BLI's information without them knowing."

Wolf raises his eyebrows and pauses briefly before replying with a nod of agreement.

"Are there any spies that live here?" I ask out of curiosity.

Almost as if on queue, the front door flies open and a bunch of loud voices fill the room.

Gerard looks towards the front door, his gaze darkening. "Electric Skeleton, what are you doing here?"

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry this took so long to publish! I've been busy with school and getting my permit and whatnot. Stay beautiful! ~Alex

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