Chapter 12

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As soon as I walk through the door, I fake limp inside, just in case someone was watching. To my surprise, someone comes walking up the stairs.

"Hey, Jenna," It was Flame. His dark brown hair was sticking up all over the place and a bit of stubble was growing on his chin.

"Hey, Flame," I greet back, wincing in fake pain as I grab my leg. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Early start to the day," he replies, his eyes filling with concern as he sees me in pain. "What happened?" He kneels down and feels my leg.

I whimper. "I was out early to get a run in and I tripped and I had to limp back here. I think it's broken."

Flame suddenly picks me up and lays me on one of the sofas gently. He gives me a sympathetic smile. "Wait here." He disappears into the kitchen area and searches through the cabinets.

Soon after, he returns with a bunch of gauss, a splint, and medical tape. Flame props my leg on the coffee table.

He then pulls out the splint and places hit against my shin. Wrapping my shin in the gauss, he secures it with medical tape.

"Thank you so much, Flame." I reply, leaning towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

Flame hugs back. "You don't have to thank me, Jenna. Anyone else would have done the same."

"Yes, but you happened to be here." I was starting to feel bad about lying to him and everyone else, but I felt like it was my destiny to become a spy. No one would understand. Flame might understand.

It's strange, I trust Flame more than Gerard with secrets, even though I've known Gerard longer. Flame is just one of those people you can confide in, y'know?

But I couldn't even tell Flame about my secret meetings with his old friend.

"I don't think I can train today." I finally speak again.

Flame scoffs. "Of course you're not! Not with an injured leg, they'd be idiots if they made you. Don't worry, I'll explain to them." He reassures me with a wink.


"We're headed out, Jen!" Flame shouts as he walks out the door with Wolf and Kobra. They were working on head-to-head combat today.

"Take care of Tommy for me!" I instruct Flame.

Flame picks Tommy up and let's him sit on his shoulders. "I'll keep the little guy safe."

Once the noisy guys had left, the room was quiet. Red and the rest of the Killjoys had gone to steal some food, so I was alone.

My head whips towards the staircase when I hear footsteps. I see Gerard's red hair peek over the top.

Gerard gives me a puzzled expression. "Jenna, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be training with the others?"

"I hurt my leg this morning," I explain bluntly. I don't want to give him too much information. But then he asks the question I hoped he wouldn't have asked.

"What were you doing?"

"Going for a morning jog, and I tripped over a cactus or something." I answer, avoiding his gaze; the tone of my voice not giving away anything.

"Hey," Gerard's voice softens. "What's up, buttercup?"

I feel the couch dip on the other side of me. Gerard's hand gently takes my face in his hand and moves it towards him. I still avoid his gaze.

"Jenna, you know you can tell me anything," Gerard whispers.

I finally look up, his eyes filled with warmth and compassion. Flame's brown eyes were compassionate, but Gerard's seemed full of so much warmth and emotion.

I don't say anything; I flung myself on Gerard, embracing him in a hug.

Gerard wraps his arms around my back and rocks me back and forth.

Pulling away from me reluctantly, Gerard gently grabs my shoulders and looks at me seriously. "I feel lie you're keeping something from me." He finally says. My blood runs cold.

"Why would I keep something from you, Gee?" It hurts so bad that I have to lie to him.

The corners of Gerard's mouth curve up in a slight smile. "Did you just call me 'Gee'?"

I blush and look down on my lap, playing with my cold, skinny fingers, trying to stifle back a smile.

I gasp when Gerard suddenly starts tickling my sides. Laughing, I try to push him off, but he's a lot bigger than me.

Gerard pins me on the couch, still tickling the crap out of me. Tears are streaming down my face and I'm gasping for air, begging for mercy. "GERARD STOP I CANT BREATHE!" I manage to get out in between laughs.

Gerard finally stops, clutching his stomach in laughter. I catch my breath and shove his shoulder playfully. "Dork."

"Idiot," Gerard teases back.

After a brief moment of silence, Gerard speaks again. "How's your leg?"

"It hurts," I lie.

Gerard leans over and grabs a pillow from the couch; lifting my leg up gently, he places it back down on the pillow.  "Is that more comfortable?" he asks sincerely with a small smile.

I nod and smile back.  "It's perfect Gee- uh I mean Gerard." I correct myself quickly, blushing again.  Gosh, this man could fart and I would think it was adorable.

Gerard winks at me. "You can call me Gee, Jen," he smirks.  "Just don't let the other guys hear, or they'll think I'm soft." he adds with a chuckle.

I really want to tell Gerard my feelings for him, but does he feel the same? I know he doesn't hate me, but does he love me back? Ugh, there goes that word again: love. 

When I first met Gerard, I tried to convince myself that it wasn't okay to fall in love with someone I had just met.  I've only known him for a few days, but I feel like he is hand-picked just for me. I mean, he obviously doesn't hate me; he kissed me the other night, on the freaking lips!

"Um, Gerard..." I trail off due to my nervousness.

He turns to face me.  "What is it, Jen?"

"Thanks, for everything you have done.  You've made Tommy and I so comfortable here, and you just took us in from the desert.  Everyone cares for us as if we've been here the whole time, especially you, Gee.  I don't usually get attached to people easily, but you're different." I say genuinely.  Every word I said was true.

Gerard pulls me in for another hug without saying a word, rubbing small circles on my back.  As he pulls away, he kisses my cheek lovingly.

If I wasn't blushing before, I sure as heck was now.  Gerard notices, because he chuckles lightly.  "I'm gonna fix dinner for the guys when they get back.  Hope your leg gets better soon." He walks away into the kitchen.

Maybe he did have feelings for me...

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