Chapter 16

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Rapid Fire and Thunder Dash led Alex, Jack, and Zack into The Nest.  The two older Killjoys led the three boys down a long, spiral staircase and down an eerie hallway.

The hallway was lined with several doors, which contained bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.

Rapid and Thunder stopped at a metal door at the very end of the hallway. Rapid pulled out a set of keys from the pocket of his denim vest, unlocking the door.

Alex's eyes scanned the room around him. It was quite terrifying, to be honest.

The walls were all shiny, like aluminum, and a single chair sat in the middle of the room with some sort of helmet device sitting on it.

"You first, kid." Thunder grunted, shoving Alex towards the chair. He tentatively sat down and flinched when Thunder strapped the helmet on him.

Thunder stood behind Alex, making sure he wouldn't try to run away, while Rapid held some sort of remote in his hand. Jack and Zack stood in the corner of the room, shaking with fear.

Rapid pressed a button on the remote, causing the helmet to turn on. Alex felt something weird, and then suddenly, the helmet had full control over his mind.

"Alright, what's your full name, kid?" Rapid Fire interrogated, holding a pencil and paper in his hand.

"Alexander William Gaskarth." Alex answered in a monotone voice.

"How old are you?" Rapid asked.


"Where are you from?"

"Battery City." Alex replied.

"Are you still, or have you ever worked for Korse Morrison or any of the Draculiods?" Rapid writes stuff down on the paper.

"No, I broke free from my parents as soon as I reached training age." Alex honestly spoke, not in control of his words.

"Alright, he's clean." Rapid declared. "Thunder, release him."

Thunder nodded and took the helmet off of him. Alex blinked a few times and looked around, confused. "D-did I pass?"

Rapid nods, "You, you're turn." He flashed a glance at Jack.

Jack looked like he was about to pass out from a panic attack, and Alex honestly couldn't blame him. After all, he was the nephew of Korse Morrison.

Thunder strapped the device on his head and Rapid continued to question him.

"Are you still, or have you ever worked for Korse Morrison or any of the Draculiods?" The question that both Alex and Zack were dreading finally came up.

"Yes, I am his nephew, but I escaped their control and I no longer an loyal to them." Jack spoke in the same unemotional voice Alex had spoken in.

Rapid scribbled something down on the paper, nodding to Thunder, telling him to take the helmet off.

"You passed, Jack, but we will have to keep a close eye on you since you have such close relations to our mortal enemy." Rapid declared.

Alex and Zack breathed a sigh of relief. They were gonna get to stay here.


A few weeks later, after Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian had all passed their training, and Rian's leg had healed, they were all standing in the main room of The Nest.

All of the Killjoys were surrounding them, smiles of approval on their faces.

White Smoke stood behind them. "Welcome young ones; it is time for all of you to receive your Killjoy names. They will all reflect either your appearance or personality."

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