T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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I sat in my room, alone, staring out of my bedroom. I was so bored, but I wasn't allowed to go anywhere by myself, and it's so suffocating, but I didn't want anyone to worry, so I decided to listen to them.

Andrew had told Elliot, Michael and Jackson about the situation, while Ryder told Blake and Ethan, though I don't even know why they needed to know.

I sigh, bored. Maybe I should read. Elliot seems to really enjoy books, so maybe there's something to that.

I flop down on my bed.

Why did this have to happen? Couldn't Benny stay gone? And why the fuck are the cops not doing anything? At least, Ryan is in jail. That's something I no longer have to worry about.

I close my eyes and drifted off into sleep.



"I'm going to kill Benny."

Michael, Jackson and I all stared at Andrew as soon as he said that. We glance at each other. We were all probably wondering if he was being serious—though he looked and sounded so serious. The three of us were sitting on the floor while Andrew stood in front of us, grinning, as if he had the best idea ever.

I hate Benny, probably the most, even though I don't really wear my anger and hatred on my sleeves. I envisioned myself killing Benny—and this was before he kidnapped Alexa, even. I wanted him dead the moment he showed an interest in her.

Not that I like her or anything. She's just my friend, of course.

Protective vibes and all that. Definitely not jealousy. Of course.

What was I talking about again?

Oh, right. Andrew wanting to kill Benny.

"Dude, what? You can't be serious," Jackson was the first one to speak up after a long moment of silence.

"I am," Andrew said.

And I knew he was serious, I guess. Sure, I'd kill Benny, but I'm able to handle killing someone. Andrew wouldn't be able to cope with taking a life, even if it's for his sister.

My Alexa.

Our Alexa, I should say.

Why am I thinking about her?

Oh right. Because she's connected to Benny. That's why she was on my mind.

"Andrewww, I'll help!" Michael said, and I shot him a confused look. The day of sunshine wants to commit murder?

He won't be able to cope, either.

I swallowed. When it comes down to it—if it comes down to it—I'll be the one commuting the act. I can't have Michael and Andrew live with that for the rest of their lives.

"You guys are nuts," Jackson muttered. "No balls."

Now he's done it.

"Excuse me?!" Michael and Andrew complained.

"No balls," Jackson repeated.

"Jackson, shut up," I say. The last thing we want to do is egg Michael and Andrew on. "Listen, no one is killing anybody."

Except me.

I want Alexa to be safe, but I don't want Michael and Andrew to be the ones to take a life. Like I said, I wouldn't care if I do that.

I once — accidentally — killed my cat and I didn't give a fuck. I'd never kill an animal on purpose, but I don't care about things dying, so like, yeah. I got this. A person can't be any different than killing an animal.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Benny is going to die, so don't even try to convince me otherwise," he says.

I sigh heavily. "Whatever you say."



I woke up in tears, breathing heavily, my heart beating rapidly. I had sat up with a jolt and looked around.

I had such an awful dream about Benny. I dreamt that he took Andrew to get to me. That was incredibly terrifying, and I'm so grateful to wake up in my room.

I feel as if I'm being watched, but I think that that is just my anxiety playing tricks on me.

I sigh. I need a glass of water.

I left my room and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the sink, then I took a very needed sip. Then I continued drinking it until it was all gone.

I glanced at the microwave to check the time on it. It was 3:02 a.m. I swallow.

I went to the bathroom and did my business, and then stepped out.

I felt so weird right now. I don't know, just... something feels very off.

I walked down the hallway and stopped at Andrew's room. He should be asleep right now, but I just had to make sure that he was still here, so I opened the door slightly with a crack.

Sure enough, Andrew was asleep in bed, snoring. I sigh and close the door. Yes, it truly was a dream. Andrew is safe.

Benny probably doesn't even know about Andrew's existence. After all, I never mentioned Andrew to him and he wasn't around when Andrew was. So I don't think I have to worry about Benny getting to Andrew. At least, I hope not.

I walked back to my room and felt a breeze. That's odd... I turned the lights on, to see that my window was wide open. Did I open it and forget to close it? I swallow and walk over to it. I glance outside. I did not see anything out of the ordinary, so I close my window, still confused on how it was open.

I turn around and notice a box on my bed. I certainly hadn't put it there. I walk over to it, a little bit wary, as alarms were blaring inside my mind. Something was definitely not right, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I slowly opened the box and what was inside the box made my blood turn cold and for my eyes to widen as much as they could.

Inside the box was a dead black cat with a knife sticking out, and attached to it was a note.

I'm coming for you.

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