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"Good Morning Princess" says the butler. Jimin smiles at him and continue fixing her uniform with the help of the maids.

"How do I look Chul?" Jimin ask as she checks herself out. The maids then stop what they were doing and stand behind her. She then pose infront of Heechul.

Heechul looks at the princess and smile.

"You look so beautiful princess." Jimin smile at the compliment. She then walks out of her walk in closet and sits infront of her mirror.

"Please choose your ribbon princess." Her hair stylist says. Jimin then looks at the ribbons.

"This. It match my uniform." Jimin chooses the black ribbon. The hairstylist nods and starts combing the princess hair.

Jimin is now 17 years old. The little princess have grown into a gorgeous young lady, next year she will finally have a ceremony where she will finally switch her title from Princess to Crown Princess.

The title pressures Jimin. It's hard for her to have her alone time as there is a lot of guards and maids around her. She also have to attend a lot of lessons. Soon she will enter the military.

Jimin keeps sighing as she keeps thinking about her current life. Her parents suggest her to be homeschool instead but she knows that will put more pressure on her since she'll be alone with books and old tutors. She would rather go to an international school atleast she still have friends and breath real air.

"You really sure about her being the crown princess? Your cousin is still alive you know." Says Shindong, Siwon best friend/his advisor. Siwon turns to him.

"You know how my cousin is. He's immature. I'm afraid it would be the end of our monarch if he takeover." Siwon answers refocusing on the newspaper. Shindong rolls his eyes and relax on the couch.

"I don't think your daughter can takeover the throne." Siwon looks at him and removes his glasses. "I mean... its been like a hundred years ago since this country have a queen. The citizens is used to having a king! I'm sure they won't trust a queen which is a lady! To takeover the throne." Shindong says. Siwon only stays quiet.
Cameras started clicking and there's a lot of flashes when Jimin exit the Palace. Jimin only smile and wave at the paparazzis. Until she saw a child being squished in between them. She immediately ask the driver to stop. The paparazzis thought Jimin exits the car because she wants them to take more pictures of her. But instead, she told her guards to push the paparazzis away as she goes to help the child.

He was breathless and his face is very red. He almost fainted. Jimin immediately carry him to her car and ask the driver to drive to the hospital instead. Meanwhile the paparazzis was shocked because Jimin glares at them before she enters the car.

"Are you okay? Can you see me?" Jimin ask as she carres the little boy face. Jimin keeps trying to keep him awake. The boy looks like he's around 1 or 2 years old.

As soon as they arrive at the hospital. The nurses was shocked to see the princess there. Jimin guards immediately help her to get the boy out and place him on the trolley bed.

Jimin then told the nurse what happened and ask one of the guards to look after the kid. She then checks her watch and enters the car. She's late for school.
"Where's Rina...she rarely this late." Yeji the vice president of council club says as she looks at her watch and keeps looking outside the school gate.

"She probably have royal duties. You have to calm down." Ryujin say. Yeji only glares at her.

"People who is late shouldn't speak." Yeji says to her. Ryujin is actually late so she was told to stand next to Yeji so she can bring her to the detention room.

"Make me then." Ryujin smirk. Yeji only hits her shoulder when Jimin car pulls up infront of them. Without waiting for her guard she immediately opens the door and exit. Yeji immediately opens the gate for her.

"Sorry I'm late " Jimin apologies and smile at Yeji.

"Aren't you gonna write her name?!" Ryujin say as she takes out her lollipop from her mouth. Yeji only glares at her and Jimin looks at Ryujin and the other students who is late. Jimin only smile and take the list from Yeji.

Yeji was caught of guard when Jimin ask if she can have the list and the pen. Yeji only hand it to her. Jimin then write her name on it and looks at her watch. She then writes down what time she arrives. She smile and hand it back to Yeji, the other students only watch her.

"Even if I'm late. Please do write my name. I don't want to be treated differently." Jimin smile and stand beside Ryujin. "Lead the way to the detention room."
As they arrive there the teacher was shocked when she sees Jimin smiling brightly at her.

She then called the principal because she's afraid to punish the princess.

A few minutes later the principal arrive he then bow to the Princess which Jimin told him not to do.

"You know you shouldn't write your name here your Highness." Jimin shakes her head and smile.

"I should get punished too for being late Sir. It's unfair if I'm the only one who didn't get punished." The principal glance at the other students and back at Jimin.

"You guys can sit here for 5 minutes. And Miss Jimin your punishment is tour the new girl around our school." The other students sigh in relief after hearing Jimin punishment. They would rather sit in the detention room for 5 minutes than tour someone around their huge school.

Jimin only nods and bow at the teacher and principal. "Where is she?" Jimin ask.
The principal brought Jimin to his office to meet the new girl. When she enters she saw a brown hair girl with a shoulder length hair.

"Kim." The principal call her. The girl immediately stand up and bows. Jimin bows back which the principal told her not to which obviously Jimin doesn't listen.

"She will tour you around. Dont give her problems. Do you understand." The principal say. The girl only nods and smile at Jimin.

When they exit the room. Jimin decide to ask the girl name before starting their tour.

"I'm Minjeong. Kim Minjeong."

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