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"Seeun?" Jimin ask. Minjeong leans back and looks at Jimin. She nods. "Oh..." Jimin said.

Minjeong hugs her again. "It makes me wonder why did she wants to take everything from me." Minjeong sighs. She then hides her face on Jimin neck. "First she takes you from me. Now my company too." Jimin carres her back. Comforting her.

"I'm sorry." Jimin apologies. "It's fine. It's in the past." Minjeong kiss her cheeks. "You sure?" Minjeong nods.

Jimin nods and kiss her cheeks. The two spend some time cuddling in the bathtub. Until a soft knock is heard on the door.

"Mommy! Mama! There's a monster under my bed!" Minjeon sobs. Jimin chuckle as Minjeong gets out of the bathtub. Taking her bathrobe. Jimin then do the same and opens the door.

"I want to sleep with mama and mommy!" Minjeon cries. Minjeong immediately lift him up. "Sure baby you can sleep with us."

After Minjeong and Jimin dress up. The three of them immediately get ready for bed. Jimin starts to sleep in Minjeong room.

Minjeon sleep on top of Jimin. Jimin carres his head while Minjeong pats his back. "When we cuddled him like this back then...he was just a newborn baby." Jimin said while smiling. Minjeong smile and lean closer to them.  "My first loves." Minjeong said. Jimin smile and kiss her lips. They share a few kisses before they drift to sleep.
Minjeong is currently reading some papers in her office. The product is too similar. Minjeong wants to complain but she's afraid the rat will be satisfied and if these things is part of their plans.

Suddenly her door opens. Minjeong look towards the door and Jimin peeks her head inside. Minjeong smile seeing her.

Jimin walk towards her and leave a kiss on her head. "For you" Jimin hands her a bouquet of roses.

Minjeong smile and accept her flowers. She then leans closer as they share a kiss.

"What are you doing?" Jimin ask as she glance at the papers on the table. "Just some products." Minjeong said eyes still on Jimin.

Jimin smile and hugs her waist pulling her closer. "You're staring." Jimin said as she kiss Minjeong cheeks.

"Can't I." Minjeong place her hand on Jimin shoulders.

"Of course. But I might melt Mrs Yu." Jimin said. Minjeong blush by the sudden name. The couple shares a few more kisses in Minjeong office.  Not realising someone is taking pictures of them.
Jimin is doing her work arranging some flowers while talking with the other aunties there. Suddenly. "Ahh Jimin-ah! This young lady said she wants to talk to you." One of them calls her. Jimin smile and stand up. Once she turns around.

Her smile immediately drops. She immediately walks out of the stall. "What are you doing here." Jimin said. Obviously annoyed. "I want to talk to you." Seeun said. Jimin sighs and calls someone on her phone.

"Yes baby?" The person on the line said. "Seeun is here. She said she wants to talk to me." Jimin said.

Minjeong feels confused. Why would Jimin tells her. "D-Do you need my permission?" Minjeong ask.

"Yes." Jimin said. Minjeong cheeks turns red. "S-Sure baby." Minjeong said.

"Okay I love you." Jimin said and puts her phone In her pocket. Minjeong looks at her phone. 'she didn't ends the call?'

"What do you want." Jimin said. Seeun try to hold her hand but Jimin immediately pulls away. "Don't touch me."

"Jimin. Don't you miss us. Me you and Jinni." Seeun said. Jimin chuckle. "Me you and Jinni? Minjeong treats Jinni better than you did! And you're her birth mom!" Jimin said. Seeun scoff. "You choose me Jimin! You promised me!" Seeun scream.

"It was a mistake! Knowing you was a mistake!" Jimin said. "You cheated on me! I left my wife and newborn son for you! Turns out you're dirtier than what they said." Jimin stare at her.

"YOU CHEATED ON YOUR WIFE WITH ME! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I CAN'T DO THE SAME TOWARD YOU." Seeun said. "Exactly. You were just after my money. I was blinded by your so called love" Jimin said.

She approaches Seeun. "Don't you ever. Come near me and my family again! Especially Jinni. Minjeong is the only mommy she have." Jimin said and walks towards her car.

Minjeong who was listening to the whole conversation stayed quiet. Making sure Jimin didn't caught her.
"I'm home." Minjeong said and place her handbag on the table near the entrance.

As soon as she enters the house she spots Jinni sleeping on the couch. She approaches her.

"Jinni?" She wakes her up. The little girl slowly opens her eyes. Once she sees Minjeong she immediately smile and hugs her. "Mommy!" Minjeong smile and carry her.

"Why are you sleeping here baby?" Minjeong ask. "I want to wait for you. Minji and Minjeon is sleeping." Jinni explains.

Minjeong smile hearing the girl talks. "let's sleep with mommy tonight okay.?" Minjeong said and carry her towards hers and Jimin room. Once she enters she sees Jimin who just finished tidying the bed.

"Welcome home baby." Jimin said and walks towards her. Kissing her cheeks. "sorry I'm late. The usual." Minjeong explains. Jimin smile and nods. She then takes Jini from Minjeong so she can take a shower.

She place Jinni in the middle. "Mama." Jinni calls her. "I love you."

Jimin smile and hugs her daughter. "I love you too princess " the little girl smile and hugs her teddy. Suddenly what happened earlier cross her mind.

"Jinni if mommy Seeun wants to-" before Jimin could finish. "No! I only want mommy minjeong! Mommy minjeong never hit me mama!" Jinni said.

Jimin smile and carres her daughter head. Everyday she feels guilty that the child from the results of her cheating lives with them. But seeing how Minjeong treats her like her own. Makes her so happy.

"What good deed did I do to get such a perfect wife."

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