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Jimin is currently cooking breakfast for her kids while humming a song. She's smiling while remembering her call with Minjeong last night.

"They said there's 95.5% this will work." Minjeong said. Jimin smile. "So~ I'm sure there's also 95.5% for baby number 4?" Minjeong continue. Jimin chuckle. "Baby even if you want 10 kids. I will fulfil it."

She blushes remembering their conversation. It is now Minjeong fourth day in Japan. She's in charge of taking care of their kids while the mommy is away.

"Do you want me to wake them up miss Yu?" The maid ask. "Ah no need. I'll wake them up." Jimin smile. She then removes her apron and walk upstairs towards the kids room.

When she opens the door, the tiny snores of the three little kids melts her heart. "I feel bad to wake them up. They look so tired." Jimin whisper.

Suddenly she heard tiny giggles from the top bunk. She sighs and peeks. Minji back is moving. Jimin smirk and tickles her daughter. "AHAHAHAHA MAMA STOPPIE! IT TICKLES!" Minji giggles fill the room. Minjeon and Jinni immediately wakes up from their fake sleeping and laughs seeing Jimin tickles their sister.

"Aigoo you kids. How dare you prank me. I will sulk." Jimin pretends to sulk. Minji and Minjeon then slides down towards the bottom bed. Which is Jinni bed.

The three kids huddle up together and stare at their mom. "we're sorry mama." They give their puppy eyes.

Jimin heart melts seeing them. She then sits on the bed and hugs them. But then the three kids snake their hands towards Jimin waist and starts tickling her.

The little family starts their day with tiny giggles.
Jimin is on her way to the grocery store after dropping off the kids at school. "Minjeong doesn't like this." Jimin said as she choose the milk.

Suddenly a girl approaches her. She then walk behind Jimin and slightly touch the cart. Jimin didn't notice it as she's busy dialing Minjeong number.

The girl walks away after her partner snap a picture of them together. After a few rings Minjeong picks up.

"Hey baby why did you call?" Minjeong ask. "Just wondering. Which milk should I get for the kids?" Jimin ask. "Usually I will buy them the X*** Brand." This made Jimin eyes widen. "Honey. Where am I supposed to find that."

"They sold it at *** Grocer." Jimin rubs her temple hearing it. " I meant for those located here in seoul." Minjeong immediately sit up. "A-Ah but Mrs Lee would take my private jet to London and buy it..." This made Jimin sigh.

"We'll talk about this once you get here okay?" Jimin said. "Why what is there to talk about" minjeong ask. "Of course it is something we should talk about. Our kids is drinks milk from another country everyday." Jimin said.

She then push the cart while still on a call with Minjeong. "Yeah but looks at how their brain develops." Minjeong said.

"Honey. They got those from you." Jimin said as she stops and picks up a cereal box. "From you. Jinni didn't came out of me." Minjeong said.

Jimin only shake her head and chuckle. "I wish I was there with you." Minjeong suddenly change the topic. "Me too baby. But a few more days right? And you'll be back here." Jimin reasure her as she stops at the self checkout counter.

"Yes...but we could've go on a date after." Minjeong pout. "We can go on a date everyday and whenever you want. Your wife is a freeloader." Jimin joke.

They talk for a bit more before Jimin tells her she needs to drive and ends the call.
When Jimin parks infront of their house, she notice a unfamiliar car parked. She walks out and approach the car. She knocks on the driver seat window.

The window rolls down making Jimin sigh. "What the fuck are you doing here." Jimin said. "I want to see you." Seeun said. Jimin runs her fingers thru her hair and sigh.

"Get the fuck out of my wife's property." Jimin said and was about to call the guards. But Seeun holds her hand. "WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF BEFORE YOUR GERMS TRANSFER " Jimin scream.

"Jimin you have to listen to me! This is the only way!' seeun begs. "No! Get out!" Jimin immediately enters the house. She then calls some of the maids.

"Please help me carry the stuffs inside."
"So you're saying..." Minjeong said. The guy infront of her nods. "They're going after Jimin. Even her own mom agrees to kill her." Suzy one of the maids inside the palace tells her.

"But why? They owns the throne already." Minjeong said. "They owns the throne but they didn't own the assets of the family. It's all under her royal highness name." Suzy said.

She suddenly takes out an envelope and hands it to Minjeong. Minjeong eyebrows furrowed when she takes it.

"You may not fight them because they're royalties. But when the peoples is involved. They had no choice but to step down. We need to hand the crown back to Jimin before it's too late."

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