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It's currently night time. Minjeong is sitting on her bed waiting for Jimin to pick up her calls. Minjeon is asleep next to her. She carres her son head and stare at her phone.

"Please pick up..." Minjeong said. She been calling Jimin for the past 1 hour. She texted her but she was left on delivered.

Minjeong groan and rest her head on the headboard. She keeps hearing screams from downstairs. Yes. Yoona throw a party.

Her phone suddenly starts ringing. She immediately lift it up thinking it's from her beloved. Turns out it's from Yoona.

"Come down here. Help me clean something." She said and ends the call. Minjeong groan and walk downstairs. She was shocked to see a lot of people there. She knows it's a party but she didn't expect that amount of people to show up.

Minjeong approaches her asking where the mess it. Yoona point towards the kitchen. When she enters she was shocked to see a girl already cleaning it up.

"I can do it. There's no need for you to clean it up." Minjeong said and smile at the girl. The girl lift up her head and smile. "It's better to clean it up fast before someone got injured."

Minjeong chuckle. "Who will get injured by some trash." Minjeong said to her. The girl wash her hands and turns to Minjeong with a bright smile.

"Me." Minjeong just shake her head. "Ah! I'm Minju." The girl offered her hand. Minjeong accepted it. "Minjeong."

"Wow! Look at that!" A familiar voice suddenly shows up out of nowhere. The two immediately pulls back their hands. "Cheating on my daughter I see." Yoona said smirking. "Aunty." Minju calls her.

Yoona glare at her. "Who do you think you are to call me that? You're nothing but a maid daughter." Yoona said. Minju only smile and nods. Yoona suddenly turns to Minjeong. She approaches her and whisper in her ears.

"If I see you with this shit again. I will Jimin you're cheating on her."
"Do I look good baby?" Seeun ask while twirling around. Jimin smile and holds her hand. "Of course. You're the prettiest in the world." Seeun blush and looks away. Jimin just chuckle as the photographer started taking their pics.

"What time will your parents arrive." Jimin ask. "Around 4pm?" Seeun answer. "Please lean closer!" The photographer said.

Jimin and seeun then Lean closer for the picture. "You're so beautiful." Jimin whisper. Seeun heard it and blushed. "You're so random honey." Seeun smile.

"I love you." Jimin muttered. Seeun smile and leave a peck on her lips. "Okay done!" The photographer gives them a thumbs up. Jimin stands up and fix her clothes she then holds Seeun hand helping her stand up.

"Min.." seeun calls her. Jimin hums and turns to her. But seeun immediately run towards the bathroom making everyone there shocked. Jimin chase after her but then her phone started ringing. She ignores it and focus on Seeun instead.
"Look at how brave you are!" Yoona hits Minjeong head. "You even dare to call her. You think she believes you?"

The sound of Minjeon crying , Minjeong sobbing and the sound of Minjeong getting slapped fills the room. Yoona slapped her again making her fall on the floor.

The sound of Minjeon crying became louder making the old lady annoyed. She walks towards him. When Minjeong realise this. She immediately run towards her son and carry him.

"You!" Yoona slap her. Minjeong doesn't care about the slap she received. She immediately hugs her son tightly to protect him. "The both of you. Just keep on making things hard for my family! Why don't you two just die!' Yoona scream and pinch Minjeon exposed thigh. Minjeong eyes widen when she sees this. She immediately removes Yoona hand from her son.

"If you have an issue with me! You get mad at me! Don't involve Minjeon!" Minjeong scream. Yoona scoff and pulls Minjeong hair. "I really can't wait for the day Jimin will divorce you!" Yoona said.

Minjeong cries even harder hearing this. Yoona suddenly pulls her closer and talks near her ear. "Did you know? Jimin admits to me she no longer loves you." Yoona smirk.

Minjeong only stay quiet. Yoona lets go off her hair and walks out slamming the door. Minjeong sit on the bed and checks on her son. The baby is still sobbing on her chest. "you've been crying a lot baby...mommy promise you won't cry in pain anymore." Minjeong kiss his head.

"What should I do...I really can't do this anymore." Minjeong sobs.
The next day Minjeong woke up with Minjeon sucking his hand next to her. Minjeong smile and kiss his son head.

She carries him and walk downstairs to prepare for Yoona breakfast. But she was shocked to see Yoona with her luggage and passport in hand. Dressing up in a fancy dress.

"I'm going to France. There's... something important that ugly people like you probably won't even know." She said and walks out.

Minjeong is confused but chose to ignore it. She finally have the house to herself. 'I hope she'll be gone for months. Jimin will be home tomorrow. I hope we can spend some time together.'

Just the thought of cuddling with Jimin makes Minjeong heart beat faster and blush. She walks towards the bathroom and was shocked to see the bruises on her face and arms. She immediately gets ready for the day. "I need to buy some ointment."
"I now pronounce you Wife and wife. You may kiss." Jimin then lean closer and kiss Seeun. The people around them immediately applause except for a few.

Yujin clench her jaw and rolls her eyes. Ryujin claps loudly in a sarcastic way. "I really hope that bitch neck drops on the floor right now." Giselle said.

The couple then pulls away and turns to the crowd with bright smiles. Thanking everyone for coming. "I'm leaving." Yujin said and walks out of the venue. Followed by Giselle and Ryujin who flashed a middle finger towards Jimin.

Jimin sees this but she ignores it. She turns to Seeun and lean closer. "You're finally mine."

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