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"I didn't know you were engaged unnie." Minjeong say while looking at her drink. Jimin who is infront of her only smile and slowly puts down her drink. "I'm not. Well not yet. It's just how royalty works. I either find my own partner or my parents find them for me." Jimin explains.

Minjeong somehow feels sting in her heart. She doesn't know why.

"So your parents set you up? Do you like the girl?" Minjeong ask and looks at Jimin. Jimin stayed silent for a bit. "She's kinda beautiful." That's all Jimin reply and drink her coffee.

"Are you not allowed to marry someone who isn't part of a royalty?" Minjeong ask. "I can't. Unless they're related to a royal. Or their family work for the royal. Then yes. Chaewon father is my father advisor. I grew up with her. So they arranged us together." Jimin explains.

"Do you love her." Minjeong ask. Jimin looks at her. She can feel the tension shift between them. "I do." Jimin reply staring straight into Minjeong eyes.

"Oh " is all that Minjeong could utter. She's hurt when she heard what Jimin says. But she doesn't know why she reacts that way. She doesn't know why she feels that way.

"Your Highness, Miss Chaewon is here." The butler shows up with a short girl behind her. Jimin stands up and smile towards the girl. Minjeong could only stare at them.

"Jimin!" Chaewon hugs her. Jimin only pats her back. "this is Minjeong. My junior." Jimin introduce Chaewon to Minjeong.

"Hello." Chaewon smile at her. Minjeong only bows at her without saying a word. "You said we can have lunch together today. " Chaewon ask excitedly. Jimin only nods and chuckle at her Childish behaviour.

"Let's go Minjeong." Jimin calls her. minjeong was confused. Why did Jimin calls her. Isn't it suppose to be a couple lunch.

When they arrive at the garden, the foods is already served. Minjeong is once again in awe after seeing the garden.

"Minjeong " Minjeong turns towards Jimin and notice the girl is pulling a chair for her. Minjeong sit down and thank her. She then notice that Jimin immediately sit down without doing the same to Chaewon.

"Unnie. Isn't she your fiancé. Why didn't you pull the chair for her." Minjeong whisper. Jimin chuckle and pinch Minjeong cheek which shocked her.

"You're so cute right now you know." Jimin smile. Chaewon who's infront of them only eat silently.
"Oh by the way! I transferred to your school!" Chaewon announce.

Jimin drops her fork when she heard that. Minjeong who was enjoying the food also was shocked when she sees how Jimin react.

"Why " Jimin ask coldly. "Why not I want to be close to you " Chaewon smile.

"You know I'm busy Chae." Jimin looks at her. "I know but when I'm there we can spend time together!" Chaewon explains. Jimin sighs and look at her.

"Chaewon. You know I'm very busy. I won't have time for you." Jimin says softly. Chaewon only stare at her in disbelief. "Why can't you make time for me?! We're engaged anyway!" The royal staffs is now looking towards them.

"Keep your voice down. Don't embarrass me infront of my guest." Jimin says sternly. "So what?! Just let them know how much of a jerk you are!" Chaewon fights back. Jimin stands up and drags Chaewon away. Minjeong is only seated there. Shocked.

"Chaewon. How many times do I have to tell you. This is only for the arrangement! I don't love you that way!" Jimin looks at Chaewon. Chaewon runs her hand thru her hair and looks straight at Jimin. "You know I love you since we were kids! Why can't you accept my love!" Chaewon ask her eyes is getting teary.

"I'm not planning to get married Chae." Jimin sighs. Chaewon could only looks away trying to hide her tears. "let's just end this arrangement." Chaewon says before leaving. Jimin sighs and looks towards the door Chaewon just pass thru.

"Sorry about that " Jimin apologies to Minjeong. "It's fine unnie." Minjeong smile at her. She wants to know why Jimin act that way towards her fiancé. But she doesn't want to look nosy.

"Do...you...want to go home? Or?" Jimin ask. She can feel Minjeong is a bit uncomfortable. Minjeong only nods at her. Jimin then ask her guards to prepare the cars.
"You're home early. That new." Taeyeon says when she hear the front door opens. Minjeong is the only one who doesn't knock.

"Yeah." She reply shortly. Minjeong walks towards the kitchen and sit on the stool.

"Mom." She calls her mom which earned a hum from the latter. "I want to be a lawyer." Minjeong says out of the blue.

Taeyeon drop her glass of wine and looks at her daughter. She then approach minjeong and place her hand on her forehead.

"You're not sick. What happened?" Taeyeon ask. Minjeong sighs. "I don't know...I just suddenly feel like I should start treating you and uncle better." Minjeong plays with her fingers. "I should accept that dad won't come back to us. I should start planning for my future." Minjeong says without looking at her mother.

Taeyeon smile and hugs her daughter. "You know. No matter what you do. The right things. That makes you happy. I will always support you."

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