34 [Slight M]

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"congratulations!" The couple is currently changing clothes for their reception. "I'm very hungry." Minjeong is talking in Busan accent with her make up artist.

Jimin understand some of her words. But she only keep quiet letting Minjeong talk to her. "It's your reception. You can eat as much as you want " the make up artist answer.

Minjeong pout. She's very hungry but she's not even done yet. Jimin notice her now wife reflection from the mirror. She smile when she notice Minjeong blabbing some words in her accent.

"Cute." Jimin suddenly said. Making everyone quiet. Minjeong looks at her thru the mirror blushing. Jimin smile and their make up artist and hairstylist continue what they're doing.
"What do you want to eat?" Jimin ask. They're currently in the venue where they held their reception. "Everything." Minjeong said. The maids immediately prepare small portions of everything for Minjeong. Jimin smile and carres her wife tummy.

"We didn't eat since morning because I'm worried my dress won't fit." Jimin stop her hand and look at Minjeong. "You didn't eat? Since morning." Jimin repeat.

Minjeong nods it's visible in Jimin eyes she's a bit angry and disappointed. "Minjeong...you shouldn't miss your meals. You need to remember you're carrying a tiny human inside of you." She scolds her softly. Minjeong only pout. "Next time. Don't miss your meals. Eat now." Jimin said while moving the spoon towards Minjeong mouth feeding her.
"Jimin." Jimin is busy talking with Minjeong mom when suddenly she heard someone calls her. She excuse herself and turns around only to see Chaewon smiling brightly towards her.

"Oh. Hi!" Jimin greet her trying to sound as if she's happy to see her. Chaewon smile and greet her. "Congratulations! You're finally married."

"Haha yeah." Jimin answer. Chaewon then started to look around while smiling. "It could've been our wedding..." Chaewon said enough only for Jimin to hear. Jimin looks at her confused. "I know I rejected you...but I thought you moved-"

"Yes I already move on." Chaewon cut her.  Jimin only smile not wanting to argue anymore. "Can we stay as friends?" Chaewon ask.

Jimin nods and smile at her. They chat for a few more minutes before Jimin walk towards Minjeong who is talking with some of the guest.

She place her hand on Minjeong waist and pulls her closer. "I was talking to a friend." Jimin said. Minjeong smile and kiss her cheek. The guest just smile looking at the couple.
It's already 11 p.m. some of the guest is already leaving. "We'll go to our room first dad. Minjeong is probably tired." Jimin tells her father. Siwon nods and watch them walk away with a smile on his face.

"Ah! I'm so tired." Minjeong groan when she sits on the bed. Jimin just chuckle and looks at her wife. Minjeong thighs is a bit exposed because she's spreading her legs a bit. She stare at Minjeong up and down. Her head is thrown back revealing her cleavage and white milky neck.

Jimin gulp before kneeling down infront of Minjeong. "Let me help." Jimin said and slowly remove the heels from Minjeong feet. Minjeong only watch her and smile.

But the smile immediately disappear when Jimin suddenly kiss her feet to her legs. Jimin place the shoes aside and continue kissing Minjeong legs until her thigh.

She suddenly kiss Minjeong inner thigh. Minjeong carres her head understanding what her wife wants. Jimin relaxed after feeling Minjeong massaging her nape.

"Hm." Jimin hum while leaving kisses on Minjeong inner thighs. She was planning to kiss them only when suddenly Minjeong spread her legs open making her underwear visible to Jimin.

Jimin without hesitation immediately rubs her nose on Minjeong clothed clit. "Ahh~" Minjeong holds her head and looks up. Jimin Looks up to her while leaving kitten licks on Minjeong clothed clit.

She keeps licking it until she feels that Minjeong underwear is already wet enough. She suddenly pulls back and slowly pulls down Minjeong underwear.

Minjeong only watch her while biting her lower lip. While Jimin is pulling down her underwear she keeps sniffing Minjeong inner thighs to her pussy. "Jimin..." Minjeong said while carresing her head. "You smells good." Jimin lick her pussy.

"Wait." Jimin stand up and goes to the vanity. Minjeong looks at her. She pour some makeup remover to the cotton pad and removes her make up. She takes another cotton pad and do the same.

She then walks towards Minjeong. Removing all of her wife make up. Minjeong smile when Jimin leave a kiss on her lips and remove the clips and hairtie that was on Minjeong hair.

"Beautiful.' Jimin said before kissing her chin. She just throw the cotton pad on the floor. "My beautiful wife." Jimin said while trailing her kisses to Minjeong neck. "The mother of my babies." She kisses Minjeong cleavage.

She suddenly lean closer to Minjeong ear and whisper.

"Can we make love? Mommy?"

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