80: END

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"God crown you with a crown of glory and righteousness, that having a right faith and manifold fruit of good works, you may obtain the crown of an everlasting kingdom by the gift of him whose kingdom endureth forever" the bishop said as he crowns Jimin.

Jimin hearts is beating so fast as if it wants to break off her ribcage. She can't believe the day has come.

"I present to you. Your queen!" Jimin stands up. Everyone in the hall immediately bows as a respect to Jimin.

A tear roll down her cheek remembering the exact same scene. The day where her father was crowned as King. The same place. The same throne. She is now sitting on it.

"I hope you're proud of me dad." Jimin whisper. Minjeong who was standing next to her with a tiara on her head smile. "I'm sure he is very proud of you my queen." Jimin smile hearing her wife voice.

She then leans down and kiss her lips. The day she had dreamed of for years have finally happened.
Minjeong slowly open her eyes by the sound of the door closing. She sits up and check the time. "2:37 A.M..why is she awake this early?" Minjeong ask herself and wears her robe to cover her naked body.

She then looks outside searching for Jimin. She looks around the palace until she founds her at the garden. She's sitting on the bench while watching the sky.

Minjeong smile and stand behind her. She then kiss her forehead, making Jimin smile knowing it's her wife.

"Did I wake you?" Jimin ask as she pulls Minjeong to sit on her lap. "Partially yes." Minjeong said and smile.

Jimin leans it and close the gap between them. Minjeong wrap her arms around Jimin neck and pulls her close.

Jimin pulls away and lean her head on Minjeong's chest. "are you okay?" Minjeong ask carresing her hair.

"I just...I can't believe I'm here now." Jimin said smiling. Minjeong smile and carres her cheek. "I'm proud of you baby." Minjeong said as she kisses her cheeks.

Jimin giggles and carres her lower back. "What did you and Jinni talked about the other day? She suddenly joined the other two in pretending to have a baby in the house?" Minjeong said.

Jimin smile and chuckle. "When we arrive here. She cried." Minjeong eyes widen. "What?! Why?!" Minjeong ask worried about her daughter.

"She's afraid you won't love her anymore when we have another baby." Jimin smile. Minjeong heart melts hearing it. "Aww why would she say that. I will love her just as much as I love our other kids." Minjeong said.

Jimin chuckle and carres her wife back. "Jinni is attached to you. Seeun never really...shows her she loves her. That's why she loves you. Because you treat her more like your own than her mom." Jimin explains.

Minjeong smile and hugs her tight. "She's my daughter. Not seeun. A child doesn't make someone a mom. It's how much you love them makes you a mom." Minjeong said.

"So. She doesn't have to worry about her not being my child. Because she is mine eventhough I didn't give birth to her. She can forget about that Seeun. I am her mommy " Minjeong said proudly.

Jimin smile and hugs her wife tightly. "You keep on making me fall for you even deeper." Minjeong smile and carres her cheek. "I love you " Jimin smile and kiss her chin. "I love you more."

They cuddle each other under the stars in silence for awhile before Jimin started carresing her inner thighs. "Should we continue our baby number 4 project?" Jimin smirk. Minjeong laughs and slap her shoulder.

"I have something to tell you " Minjeong smile. "What is it?" Jimin ask.

Minjeong smile widely and cup her cheeks. "There's no need to work on that project anymore." Minjeong said.

Jimin eyebrows furrowed. "What?! Why?!" Jimin ask. Minjeong chuckle making her even more confused.

She leans down and whisper in her ear. "I'm pregnant." Jimin eyes widen when she hears it. She looks at Minjeong who is smiling widely. "really?"

Minjeong nods. "Really." Jimin holds her shoulders. "Not a prank?" Minjeong shake her head. Jimin then makes Minjeong sit on the bench and stand up with her arms up in the hair.

"I'M A MAMA AGAIN!!" She cheered. Minjeong laughs seeing at her wife behaviour. Jimin turns around and kiss Minjeong on the lips. "thank you so much baby!" Jimin said. Minjeong kiss her lips and smile. "there's no need to thank me honey."

"It's getting cold! It's unhealthy for you and our baby to get cold!" Jimin said and carry Minjeong bridal style.

"Yah I can walk!" Minjeong said. Jimin shake her head. "this is how I will carry you everyday when we're heading to bed."

Minjeong smile and kiss her cheeks. Once she placed Minjeong on the bed. She immediately removes her robe and leans her head on Minjeong's tummy. "our baby is in there!" She said excitedly.

Minjeong only smile and carres her hair. "I have the crown back. I have you and our kids by my side. And now we're expecting our 4th baby. I'm the luckiest person alive thanks to you my Yu Minjeong." Jimin said as she cups her cheeks and lean their foreheads together.

"I'm luckier to have you my Yu Jimin." Minjeong smile and holds her hands. Jimin kiss her lips and lay her down on the bed.

"Thank you for staying by my side honey. Without you. I don't think I can be where I am today." Jimin said as she brings Minjeong hand on her cheek.

Minjeong immediately carres her cheek. "I love you." Jimin said as she looks into Minjeong eyes. Minjeong smile and pulls her close.

"From a Crown Princess to a Commoner to a Queen. I will always love you my Jimin no matter what."


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