26 [M]

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"should we go with this colour?" Yoona ask Jimin and Minjeong. The two younger girls only nods and Jimin share her opinion. They were busy talking about the wedding dresses until Minjeong suddenly feel dizzy.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Jimin ask her. Minjeong only nods her head and give her a sweet smile. Jimin carres her back and focus on the wedding preparations.
"Who is that?!"

"Why is The princess hugging her!"

Jimin just finished her golf tournament. When they announce that Royal Korea won Minjeong immediately hugs Jimin. The photographers then immediately stared takings pics of them together.

"Congratulations~" minjeong greet her. Jimin smile and kiss her head. "You said you will give me a gift if I win" Minjeong leans closer and whisper in her ear.

"Tonight Baby~"
"Hmm~" It's not even nighttime yet. When they arrive at Jimin private house, she immediately pin Minjeong on the wall and kiss her roughly. Minjeong have her hand on Jimin shoulder while Jimin slowly remove Minjeong dress.

"Jagi!" Minjeong throw her head back when Jimin enters her finger inside Minjeong pussy. "No underwear?~ aren't you afraid they will caught you?"

Jimin keep thrusting her fingers, Minjeong feels like she's about to fall down but Jimin holds her waist and thrust faster. "Ji-MIN!" Minjeong cums cover Jimin fingers.

Jimin immediately zip down her pants and lower her underwear. Minjeong was still high from her release when Jimin suddenly lift her and enters her dick.

"Ahh! Jimin! I'm still sensitive!' Jimin just ignored her and thrust faster. "Fuck! Min~ you're so tight!" She thrust faster inside Minjeong. Minjeong circle her arms around Jimin neck and wrap her legs around Jimin waist. Making the older girl go even deeper inside her.

"Hah! So wet!" Minjeong can't help but groan when Jimin keep dirty talking about how tight and wet her pussy it. She feels like she's about to pass out because of the pleasure. Who knew Royaltys come with a jumbo size dick too.

"Don't cum yet." Jimin place her on the couch without pulling out. Minjeong was about to rest for a few seconds when Jimin started thrusting again. Faster and harder this time. "Baby! Hmm! Right there!" Minjeong holds Jimin shoulder. Jimin lift Minjeong legs and place them on her shoulders.

"Hah!~" Jimin slower her thrust and enters deeper inside. Minjeong was a moaning mess, tears started to form in her eyes. Jimin notice her and thrust deeper. "Cum for me Kim Minjeong." Minjeong cums immediately cover Jimin dick and Jimin's fill Minjeong up.

Jimin was about to pull out but Minjeong stopped her by wrapping her tights around the girl waist. "Ahh! Don't let it drip out!" Minjeong said. Jimin only nods and shower her lover with kisses.
"Maybe we can talk about the deco later? My daughter is still probably tired from the tournament." Yoona calls the planer.

"Aigoo this horny kids. I'll expect a grandchild soon." She walks away from there.
"Baby? It's late. Time to wake up." Jimin kiss Minjeong naked shoulder. "I'm tired...you haven't even pull out!" Minjeong said when she realised Jimin is still inside of her.

They continue their sessions on their bed a few hours ago until they pass out. Minjeong only ignore her and close her eyes.

"Did your mom called?" Minjeong ask. Jimin only carres her waist. "No. Why?" Minjeong turns to her. "we were supposed to talk about the deco today."

Jimin immediately search for her phone and saw one chat from her mom.

You two finish your baby making first. We can talk about the decorations tomorrow.
I'll expect a grandchild news from you two soon.

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