Secret slipped👑😉

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I stared long and hard at the beautiful  golden shoes on the floor but quickly after snapping out of it realized these were probably my mothers shoes or something..... we were well off very rich but not rich enough to afford real golden shoes but ignored that for now I could wear them for the festival so I decided to put them on until I find a good dress as I slipped them on I started sparkling as I opened my eyes I was in a sparkling room that looked like a cleaner and a better version of my moms room as I looked in the big mirror on the dresser in the middle of the room and when I looked in the mirror I saw "me"but with blonde hair and golden eyes with a sparkling golden gown and a crown with silver jewelry stashed on top as I thought i actually look beautiful for a change!

I said while I twirl in my new dress but then I realized their was a golden pumpkin carriage I saw out of the window in the corner of the room when I saw that I jolted out the window so the eyes didn't see me I ran the pumpkin carriage when a man in a silver suit from head to toe my lady! The man said while helping me in the chariot I'm genja I'll be escorting you to the ball he said getting in the front of the chariot as soon as I knew it, the chariot was racing towards the castle.

Finally, we reach the silver castle that stands before us genja helped me out of the chariot before wishing me to have a fantastic night at the ball as I entered the castle and roamed around I saw many portraits of the king I scoffed before entering the top of the steps of the ball room when I took a step my golden slipper made a clank sound causing every one to stare when that happened I thought something was wrong with me or I looked ugly or I had sut or cinder on my face thinking of all of these scenarios I almost scurried out of the ball room embarrassed but suddenly someone bowed before me and told me to follow him I didn't know who he was but i followed but for some odd reason all when that happened the other guests eyes wide gasped in shock as I followed the man I noticed that he had beautiful white hair and as he takes a glance at me I noticed his devil red eyes we reached are destination the balcony of the ballroom.

We'll miss... he said I had to think of a new name and quick goldencinder I blurted out quickly without even thinking we'll miss goldencinder meet you I want to show you something he said while chuckling talking a water pouch out his pocket, you see that old wrinkly man down there that's my uncle he's the man with a big red beard,he has lots of money but a heart full of rocks.

You want to do the honors he said handing me the water pouch I knew it would be funny so I untied the pouch and poured it on top of the man's head he screamed like he was a 9 year old girl we ducked down so they wouldn't see us he looked at me and smiled wide pound it we said before fist bumping, not bad miss cinder he said before we ran off.

The rest of the night we spended pranking his family members until we decided to take a break he asked me to dance I could face getting hot my heart pacing against my chest his hands were shaking as we danced and mine was hotter than the sun he was blushing like nobody else's business nice blush I said in confidence shut up Goldie locks and the 3 bear we laughed and laughed and laughed all night long until I saw my aunt and cousins getting ready to leave I rushed out of the ball onto my carriage to get home before they did.

Getting home before they did I hopped out of the carriage quickly thanking genja and heading in the house into the basement and slowly removing my slippers and slipping them into my fake floorboard my golden dress disappearing my hair was black again and I had green/blue eyes I was as ugly as ever I knew I that man saw me now he would be repulsed no disgusted of me but speaking of that man I never got his name OH! And I never meet the prince, I'll have to go meet him tomorrow I guess.

And then I realized I had chores but then I realized I didn't care, I'd just wait for the old hag and the other 2 to come home later that night I got beat for not doing the chores the next night I headed to the ball as goldencinder once again.
The kings:pov
We had a ball to find my son a prince or princess but in the middle of the ball after asking some one of a beautiful lady to follow him he disappeared and later that night a bunch of things happened to are family members awful and stupid pranks I would never accuse my son Kai of this but it was suspicious and when he did come back with the girl they danced at first I was excited my son has maybe found a wife so I could have grand children until I had my butler search her up and she wasn't in are records so she wasn't a princess so I new she was unfit for my son I new kei would probably argue so on the second day of the ball after kei and her dance kei told her he was the prince and when she ended up leaving I was on her trail I followed her to her house she was about to rush inside until she lifted up her dress a little and took her golden slippers off I wondered why until she transformed instead of the beautiful lady from before the was an ugly girl with black hair blue/green eyes and rages I know right there she was now truly not worthy of my kei she was just a catfish.

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