Chapter 27

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It's already noon after the four of them finished going around the resort. Christ invited Michelle and Antonia to have lunch at the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel for lunch, the group finds a cozy table by the window with a beautiful view of the pool. The waiter approaches and hands them the menu, filled with a variety of delicious dishes.

As they browse through the menu, they engage in lively conversation, sharing stories and laughter. Christ suggests trying the hotel's speciality dish, while Michelle and Antonia express their excitement to try some local cuisine.

The waiter returns to take their orders, and they each choose their desired meals. While waiting for their food to arrive, they continue chatting.

"What are your plans after lunch?" Christ asked Michelle.

"I would like to go jet skiing." Michelle replied.

"That's a great idea." Christ replied while nodding his head

"How many days are you staying here?" Maxine asked Michelle, looking at her.

"Three days. We still need to return to the hotel we're staying in town because we need to return the car we borrowed." Michelle replied with a smile.

"Ah, I see. Make sure to make the most out of the three days you're here." Christ replied.

"Why is your vacation so short? Couldn't you extend it for a few more days?" Maxine asked again, still looking to Michelle

"We have a lot of pending work that needs to be done." Antonia replied, looking at Christ.

Michelle glanced at Antonia. She didn't seem angry or annoyed in her face, but there was a slight tension she felt between the two women. She then shifted her gaze to Maxine and nodded as she agreed to confirm what Antonia said.

"Yes. I need to finish my pending work. I'll be flying to New York to visit our branch there." Michelle replied with a smile.

Maxine nodded. Meanwhile, Antonia looked at Michelle with a puzzled expression on her face. Michelle turned to her and gave her a sweet smile. Antonia felt her hand being held and squeezed by Michelle. She didn't know what it meant, so she chose not to say anything.

"Alright then. After we finish lunch, let's take a short rest and then go jet skiing. Then later tonight, if you guys want, there's a party in the function hall we can join there. What do you think about that?" Christ asked Michelle and Antonia.

Both of them smiled and nodded in unison.

As their meals are served, the group eagerly digs in, savouring the flavors and appreciating the culinary skills of the hotel's chefs. They compliment each other on their excellent choices and share bites of their dishes, allowing everyone to taste a little bit of everything.

Throughout the meal, they discuss their plans for the rest of the day, considering other options such as exploring the nearby attractions, relaxing by the beach, or indulging in some spa treatments. They eagerly brainstorm ideas and make plans for an exciting afternoon.

As they finish their delicious lunch, they express their satisfaction with the meal and thank the waiter for the excellent service.

Michelle and Antonia praised Christ and Maxine for the excellent performance of the hotel staff. After a while, Michelle and Antonia said goodbye and went up to their room to rest. The two of them walked towards the elevator. They were just quiet while inside it.

Antonia broke the silence, "I can't wait to finally relax in our room. I"m a bit tired."

Michelle nodded, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. "Definitely. I'm looking forward to just lying down and unwinding."

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