Prologue. Auburn

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  • Dedicated to Bailey Bryant

Dedicated to the wonderful, beautiful girl who saw beauty in something that nobody else could see it in.  The wonderful girl who took a heart-broken girl and helped her through the worst times.  The girl who always listened and never got annoyed.  The girl who wasn't afraid to give the truth even if it hurt.  The girl who helped because of that.  Dedicated to the best friend I love.  Dedicated to you Bailey 

The world is full of perspectives.  Blue is purple.  Freedom is horror and exclusion.  Beauty is ugliness.  There will be someone to love the one who you spent years laughing at.  That person could have someone who looks at them and sees someone who's flaws don't  make them laugh but make them cry at how perfect that person is to them.  What is perfection when put into perspective? Is anything perfect? Can anything ever be perfect?  When you look at someone, you may think they have it together so well, when they are in thousands of pieces.  Who sees the sun in the sky and wonders if it is a window into the light that they had missed all along? The world may never know the truth behind someone's perspective, but they judge anyway. Every person is worth something to someone out there and if you just search, you'll find it.  Life is nothing but... your perspective.

When you have existed for as long as I have, you'll find that life is filled more with questions than it is with answers.  You'd find that life has many bad qualities and life can be full of pain.  Life can kill... Ironic? I think so.  But someday you'd realize that life has many good qualities and those qualities make everything else worth it.  Someday, you'd learn that... life is worth it.  For far too often it happens that we exist imprisoned without learning that we are the only ones with the ability to free ourselves.

My name is Auburn.  I could finish that name but that life was far too long ago.  I know everything that has happened and I know everything that will happen.  Though I know the future's plan, I can do nothing to change it and in that aspect, I lack power.  But I am NOT powerless nor will I ever be.  I don't want to know everything.  But I need to.

No one believes that I exist

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