5. Nahuel

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I woke up in the morning and told myself that I was going to talk to her today.  I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a T-shirt.  It was hot outside and for a moment, I considered going to school like that, but then I remembered my arms.  I went over to the closet and took out a black jacket.  I put it on and walked to school without acknowledging my mother or brother at all.  I walked on the street making good time and walking onto the school campus.  

I was tired of always worrying that I was doing something wrong.  I was always doing something wrong.  Just as I stepped onto the campus, the passing bell rang.  Everyone scurried off to their classes, wanting to get to their lessons before the tardy bell rang.  I walked quickly to my social studies class.  I saw Hero walking to her drama class and waved politely at her.  She smiled and waved back.  She was pretty, but the girl I wanted to see was beautiful.  As I walked into class, I sat down in the seat Mrs. Dimas had assigned me yesterday.  She walked in a moment later and sat down next to Maggie, a girl who had a twin sister in Hero's drama class.  

First period went by quickly and i still couldn't get the guts to talk to her.  The bell rang and I tried to open the door.  It wouldn't budge and I tried again.  It still wouldn't open.  I tried for the third time, pushing with more strength and I flew out the door.  I stumbled out into the hallway and ran into Hero's good friend Claire while the boy who had been holding the door shut laughed uncontrollably. 

"Whoa there, tiger," said Claire, catching me as i flew out the door.  She smiled at me with the brightest smile I'd seen all day.  It forced me to smile as well.  Hero walked past us to go to her language arts class and Claire waved at her.  

"Who do you have next?" I asked her.

"Burns," she said, "How 'bout you?"

"Burns," I said confused, "I didn't see you yesterday."

"I wasn't here," she said, "Wanna walk there?"

"Yeah," I said.  We walked over to the class and she told me all about each of the teachers and what to do to avoid getting in trouble.  I examined her on our walk.  Tall, average weight, dirty-blond with long, waist length hair and bangs.  She was smiley and happy.  Wearing a black and white tank top and a pink sweater with blue skinny jeans, she looked so innocent but whimsical.  When we reached Mr. Burns' room, we she walked over to her seat.  It was right next to where Mr. Burns had placed me yesterday.  

"Well I guess we're closer than ever," she said laughing.  It was a bright sunny Friday morning and she was a bright sunny person.  I liked talking to her and I had a feeling she liked talking to me.  Just before the tardy bell rang, a girl ran into the room.  She had long, dark brown hair and she sat down in front of Claire and me.  

Finally, it was one class to lunch.  I walked into my fifth period class and sat down next to her.  I was so glad that Ms. Creme had put me next to her.  I was nervous immediately.  My stomach churned.  Seeing her look up at me, I couldn't help but smile.  

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she said, "I didn't get to talk to you yesterday.  You're Nahuel right?"

"Yeah," I said.  

She held out her hand, "I'm Jacey."  I took it and electric tingles went up my entire arm.  I looked her in the eyes and smiled.  

"Jacey?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "I know.  Stupid name.  It's short for Jacinta."

"No, it's pretty," I said, "I have a girl name."

"Nahuel?" she said, "It could be a guy name."

"Yeah," I said, "I guess so."

God she was pretty.  Blond, straight hair.  Light blue eyes.  Skin smooth and light.  Her cheeks were shaded slightly pink and her eyes had dark makeup applied on them.  She wasn't perfect.  Or even close to it, but to me, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  I talked to her.  I talked to her.  Even though it was only small talk, it was talking.  I got to hear her perfect voice.  The lunch bell rang too soon for my liking and I went to lunch.  

I went over to the place where all of the popular people sat.  They had all instantly be-friended me and I was thankful for that.  I went over to see all of the people I had met yesterday.  Sitting at the middle of the bench was Drew.  Though he had just recently come to the school, he was one of the most popular people at the school. You could tell without talking to him why.  He had confidence that nobody had.  He acted like he was the coolest person you'll ever meet and he was absolutely right to act that way.  He looked very much like me except he had eyes a little bit darker (which I didn't think possible) and his skin was slightly lighter than mine.  

Sitting next to him was Claire.  She was apparently his girlfriend as he had his arm around her loosely.  She looked happy, but she also looked shy and nervous.  I was surprised at how shy she looked considering how crazy she had been acting earlier when she was talking to me.  The rest of the bench and the floor around was littered with Drew's friends.  I sat down on the floor near one of Drew's cousins.  Throughout lunch, Claire didn't say a word.  Poor girl, I knew that silence only too well.  She was afraid of saying the wrong thing.  When the bell rang, signifying 6th period, she hugged him timidly and went off too her PE class.  I heard Drew and his friends talking about her.  

"I'm telling you," said one of them, "She's too shy."

"No," said Drew, "Give her a chance." A few more arguments were exchanged, but they dispersed and went to their classes.  I went off to the elective they had placed me in when i came here.  Leadership.  There was  a dance last Friday, apparently, so today we're taking down posters.  I walked around with Maggie, and her rather small friend Alicia tearing down the posters.  

"Do you like Jacey, Nahuel?" Alicia asked me.

"I don't know," i said, naturally.  

"You guys would be cute," Maggie cooed annoyingly.  

I walked to PE and saw Claire walking away.  She had a huge smile pasted on her face and I knew why.  It was because she was with Drew.  She was so happy.  So unbelievably happy that she got that.  She was with him.  He was hers and she couldn't be more ecstatic.  If she only knew what they said about her.  

"Hey, Nahuel," she said, smiling.  She walked over to me and pulled a folded piece of paper from her pocket and held it out. "Hey, can you give this to Hero for me?" 

"Sure," I said taking it.  I put in my pocket and on my way over to the boy's locker room, I saw Hero.  She was walking into the locker room.  She turned when I called her name.  She smiled at me and walked toward me.  

"What's up?" she asked.  I gave her the paper.

"Well," I said, "Claire told me to give this to you."

Her face turned into a look of concern which she masked quickly behind a smile, "Did you read it yet?" she asked.

"No," I said, "I wouldn't read it."

"Yes you did," she said smiling, "You can't get a top-secret letter and not read it.  What does Claire have to tell me?"

"I swear to God," i said, "I didn't read it."

"Okay," she said opening it.  She read it and a smile went across her face.  "I swear to God, that girl.  She drives me crazy sometimes, but she's amazing at the same time."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said, "I have to go change or I'll be late.  Bye Nahuel."  She held her arms out, indicating that I was to hug her.  I gave her a hug and took in her scent as I did.  She smelled sweet.  A rather girly, light, scent, while Jacey smelled more dark.  She turned around and went into the locker room.  I walked into the guy's locker room and changed for PE.  I went outside to sit on my number.  Mr. Schneider came over and started roll.  hero ran over and sat down right before he reached her number.  She was lucky.  

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