10. Nahuel

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Two months later, I walked into Mr. Burns' class happily.  I sat down next to Claire and heard the words I had been hearing all morning.  The words that lifted my spirits every time I heard someone say them.  

"You going out with Jacey?" she asked.  My smile spread across my face.


"Congratulations Nahuel," she said.  The girl with dark brown hair and glasses, whose name was apparently Cara, ran in and sat down just before the bell rang.  She turned around and whispered to Claire:

"We have things to discuss."  Since Drew had broken up with Claire, she and Cara had become quite good friends.  This "things to discuss" business was the girls' code that I had been hearing a lot of lately.  

Mr. Burns' class went on boringly.  I thought for a moment.  Honestly, I had never met anyone like Jacey.  She was like that beam of sunshine that always got in the picture.  The one that everyone else in the world is annoyed by, but I stare at and think that it is the most beautiful thing in the world.  I hadn't cut myself since the day i had moved here and that was all because of Jacey.  She was like the moon to me.  Like the rain that I  search for.  Like the stars on a clear night.  Like the most beautiful thing in the world but so much more.  Worlds more.  She was Jacinta Lavender Treble.  I loved her.  I was more sure of it than I was of anything in my life.  I sat in wonder at how anyone so amazing could ever go for me.  Me, Nahuel Christian Casteñedas.  I think I'm the worst thing in the world, but Jacey thinks I'm something.

I love you

Sirum em kez

Te amo

Je t'aime 

Ai shi teru

Ich liebe dich


Aloha au ia oe

Ani ohev otach

Ti amo

Kocham Cie

I love you Jacey.  I love you around the world a million times.  Millions and millions of times.  

The bell rang and we were soon freed from Mr. Burns's dungeon.  I went from the room to my break and immediately began to search for Jacey.  I looked around and quickly located her.  She sat on a wall under a fence while her friends cluttered around playing around as hey usually did.  A rather childish game in my opinion, but I wouldn't say anything.  She was just sitting there alone.  A bit away from the group while reading a book.  Her hair hung slightly in her face.  She had her backpack sitting down next to her on the wall.  I walked over and sat next to her and moved her hair out of the way.  She looked up, smiled, and closed her book.  I pulled my hand back and she moved the rest of her hair behind her ear.

"Hi," she said blushing.  God, she was pretty.  Her blond hair was slightly upset tucked behind her ear on one side.  Her porcelain skin was clear except foe her sprinkled freckles and slightly pink cheeks.  She was smiling to reveal her white teeth and blue braces.  Her blue eyes like moonstones framed with her dark eyelashes.  Normally, i was bothered by people wearing a lot of eye makeup, but it worked on Jacey.  She was beautiful.  Her eyeliner had run a little bit by now and was residing blended among the slight dark circles under her eyes.  She looked me in the eyes and waited for my answer.

"Hey," i said.  I smiled and it caused her to smile as well.  She didn't smile often, but when she did, she was beautiful.  She was always beautiful.  She giggled and looked down at the floor.  I situated myself so that I sat more comfortably and i slid my hand down to grab hers.  I laced my fingers through hers and held her hand.  She looked back at me and I smiled slightly.  She smiled a small smile and batted her eyelashes multiple times.  We sat there like this for a while talking about life.  After a little bit, she let go of my hand and stared at her shoes.  I looked down and asked her what she was doing.

"I don't know," she said, "i don't know, but I'm glad I have you.  I love you Nahuel." she said smiling.  I remembered when I had asked her out yesterday.  i had given her the poem afraid she might laugh in my face.  Before she opened it, i asked her to be my girlfriend.  She smiled and said:

"Of course." she read her poem and smiled bigger.  Now, one day later, she was my girlfriend.  I loved her.  My beautiful Jacey.  the bell rang, forcing us to separate and go to class.  I hugged her quickly and let go.  looking into her eyes, i realized that I didn't want her to go.  I wanted her to stay right here with me.  I found some willpower and let her go.

"Bye Jacey," i said painfully.  I watched her walk away.  I stood there until she turned the corner and was no longer in sight.  Only then, did I walk off to my next class, dreading being alone.

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