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"Ekkk!!! let's tell each other stories shall we??" Mitsuri asked excitedly.

The Hashira's were spending the night at the butterfly mansion, as per the request of Master Kagaya to grow closer with one another."Due to the decreased number of demon sightings, I have decided that the Hashiras will be given leave. The care and love you would have for your comrades and the feeling of wanting to protect them would push you to your fullest potential... In these few days of rest, it is crucial that you all form bonds and better get to understand each other ... we shall conduct the training sessions from the following week," Kagaya said as he dismissed the meeting.

"Yeah no we aren't gonna waste our time telling useless stories," Sanemi said annoyed. "Then why not I make this sleepover interesting," A voice said suddenly. Everyone looked around frantically for the source of the voice. They thought it was strange for a demon to come to a hashiras estate especially with all of them present there so that was going to be interesting.

"Oi stop hiding and face us already you stupid demon!!" Sanemi called out tired of the hide and seek game."Who said I was hiding." The voice said back. Suddenly the room went dark and a light figure appeared. It looked like a candle except with a face and hands. "What the fuck is wrong with the demon king now, He's making the demons look like candles now??" Sanemi said shocked. "Shinazugawa language we're in the presence of a child," Gyomei said praying. "I'm 14 I'm not a child jeez ..." Muichiro said a bit annoyed at always being treated as a child. Yes, he was the youngest but he thought was old enough to know stuff, and after everything, the demons had done he never had a proper childhood... 

The Hashiras just kept an eye on the candle for any sudden movements keeping themselves ready in their fighting stance to be able to counter whatever its BDA was. "'re not a demon are you?" Giyuu said suddenly surprising everyone one the fact that he broke the silence first and two a weird strange creation which possibly one hundred percent cannot be human ain't a demon? "Tomioka-san what are you saying? This inhuman-looking thing isn't a demon? how is this possible?" Shinobu asked confused.

The candle started laughing. "You're right my dear friend... I'm not a demon I was summoned here on the request of somebody and so now let's begin the game, shall we?" It said. Everyone stared at each other. "What are you planning seriously you unflashy thing... summoned? by-" Tengen got cut off when the demon suddenly became brighter. The whole room was engulfed by a mysterious light. "Everyone stay alert!!" Kyojuro shouted and that was the last thing they heard before passing out. 

"Argh... my head's spinning...." Giyuu said holding his head while sitting up. He saw a few of the Hashiras were already up and in position. "Where ... are we?" He asked quietly. "We aren't sure yet Tomioka but we're waiting till the rest get up maybe one of them will know," Gyomei replied. Giyuu got up and got in his defense position to protect the unconscious Hashiras in case of any sudden attack.
Finally, after a few minutes, all of them were up and about although Shinobu looked a bit distressed. "Shinobu-chan are you alright?" Mitsuri asked concerned about her friend. "Ah.. yes Kanroji-san it's just that ... this place looks like my ... past home except it looks more new like it used to when I used to live there before ..." Shinobu said. Everyone looked at her and then exchanged glances.  

Had the demon teleported him into her past? 
End of chapter 1!! The next part will be Shinobu's past and future and yes it kinda is a Christmas Carol reference. I just thought it would be kinda exciting how everyone would react if they knew each other's past and all.
This is an original idea I came up with if you would like to make a similar and better version of this go ahead I'll be really glad to know that people actually like it!!🤗

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